Tuesday, July 31, 2018


                                               New life growing out of an old stump.

Creating something new out of the old is not easy and for me takes practice.

We have been given this long life for a reason; either to keep learning or to teach others.

With practice you cab improve even at 81!

With practice after every fall you can get up and keep going.

With practice we can travel through the dark times into the light.
Times of feeling hopeless and depressed.

With practice I am walking batter and further.

With practice I am writing better is I write slow and carefully.

With practice I can rest my brain as well as my body.

With practice I am learning to love wisely.

With practice I can grow spiritually in body soul and spirit.

With practice I am learning to accept who I am and what  have been given.

"The light of the soul can meet the light in the world.
in these hard earned moments, we glow in all directions.
The truth is being human."
Mark Nepo


Sandra said...

Last night we practiced locking the toddler kittens out of our bedroom as the baby kittens will be moving in on Thursday.

I have decided that it is better for the kittens to not have to be relocated for just 3 days so we will have them in our room. Two of them have a home to go to though so will be dropping them off this Mornings.

Lincoln is very excited to be flying, his knapsack is already packed and he is ready to go.


Shandel said...

How exciting to have kittens and grandkids all at the same time. I am heading over to visit Shawna and the kids again this morning. I will give her your house key to give back! Also Grandma, I read your blog everyday but not always sure what to comment. Just want you to know I do read it and find it very insightful. Xox

nancy-Lou said...

Practice....well that is what I tell my students too, Beth. It is the desire to do something and the practice that makes on achieve their goals. I have seen quite a few really talented people not make use of their talents. Practice takes dedication. I met a woman yesterday who always wanted to learn how to play the piano. When she retired she started taking lessons and she is dedicated to practicing, an hour a day. After four years she is playing at a grade 5 level. She is her teachers best student!

You have had hot weather as well. in the 30's. I don't believe many homes have air conditioning do they?We have had many days above 30 this year. I would say at least 20 and likely more. there are more to come as well...darn.

What wonderful news to hear that two of the kittens are adopted...that will make Sandra's work easier, but not for long if she is getting another batch! What fun they must have.

I was going to go to Winnipeg today, but decided not to. I found enough paints for my class tomorrow and the errands I have to do can wait for next week. Instead I am finishing paintings and framing up some. Framing is quite physical...but it is good for me to stay strong.

Well I must return to my work...actually my work is such a pleasure!

Have a lovely day,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sandra amazes me!

Dad working fixing our pond etc.

Both getting our exercise.

love mom