Friday, July 27, 2018


                                             Dad in a thoughtful mood.
                His knees were sore so he decided to rest his legs and not go for a bike ride
Instead we went out for lunch at Northwood Golf Club.  It is so beautiful there with flowers  and trees.
We did not sit out on the patio because it was warm in the sunshine.  Younger people did and that was okay for them.  As we get older we find that we have to make changes in our diets which is not that easy.  The thing us we have friends who have been very diet conscious and who also exercise and their health is failing.

I find that I do not ask the question of why life can seem unfair but how can I learn to cope with it.
Unanswered questions seem to be a part of being alive and forcing me to be patient and humble.

Walking helps me balance body and spirit as I continue to so a short daily walk on my own.

I know that we also learn to answer questions as we hear each other's stories and problems.
We share laughter as well as tears.

The body is slowly wearing out but I know that the heart is restored by wonder and healthy soul!

Happy Birthday Shandel!   Thank you for all your kind thoughts and words,.


Shandel said...

Thank you! For calling and chatting. I always very much enjoy conversations with you and Grandpa.

Sandra said...

Well, you guys did more than I did yesterday. My work at home day always is a little weird since I am at home I feel like I should be doing something but of course I have to work.


beth bennett said...

Shandel I hope you and Cameron enjoy your day at the lake.

We also skyped with Matthew who just turned 10.
He has new computer.
Seems like we all have to change our diet.

I eat too much bread and sugar.

Love mom
Comfort food ut not healthy!

Love mom