Wednesday, July 4, 2018


                                                     A very warm and sunny day.
                                                       Just right on our back patio.
Dad is very keen on having people over to our back patio.  Today seems like a perfect day but it does seem to be getting hot!  We have been inviting friends over who were so very helpful when I was dwelling up high in my bedroom.  Today Wed.our friend  Mary is dropping by.

Candor is another of the "8 Habits of Love."  To me it means speaking the truth with sincerity and respect.  If we express an opinion we can expect to listen to what another person has to say,  We carry with us an energy field that wants the freedom of expression.

Express what you feel but we sensitive to the feelings of others.

Remember inside an old person is a young person.  We live in a complex world which is multigenerational.

Some people tell stories to express who they are.
Some people use art and pictures.
Some people use music.
Some people use words.

We all are talented in different ways and we learn to accept our limitations through many lessons and life experiences.

Learning to express our authentic self without using a false need to be right or to be powerful is a challenge!


nancy-Lou said...

Candor...a lovely word, I quite like. One doesn't hear it that often these days...but it is a good way for people to live their lives...with candor.
What are the other 7 habits of love, Beth? You must be reading a book about this.

How nice of Larry to invite friends over to the back deck. I like to sit outside on our deck with friends too. We recently have re discovered how nice it is to sit out there. I found an umbrella at the thrift store for the table and it looks quite jaunty now.

I think one has to learn to be humble if we want to be an authentic version of our self...toss away ego and pride.

You have had quite a lot or of company have a large circle of caring friends..which testifies to many seeds you and Larry have planted over the years.

I have to get back to the Blue Jays game...I especially miss Carl when I watch the games and often start to say something and realize he is not in his chair.

Have a good sleep tonight,

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy, I am reading the 8 Habits of Love by Ed Bacon.

They are generosity, stillness, truth, candor, play, forgiveness, compassion and community.

"Being open-hearted is the most fulfilling way to live, but it is not always the easiest. At every turn you will bump up against your fears. But love teaches us that we can trust that love is stronger than fear."

Have a good day.

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you Beth for replying...those are very wise words. I am going to write them down and keep them above my desk as a reminder. You have taught me a lot in the years we have been friends. I am truly blessed in our friendship!
Love, Nancy