Sunday, July 15, 2018


There is healing and restoration power as we gather together as families
and as a church.  I cannot attend all the functions but I know I am always welcomed.
My soul is restored through the touch and love of others.

Nature reflects back to us the hidden beauty within our souls.

          Half of the work of the soul is to discover this beauty by just being true to ourselves
                  The other half of the work of the soul is to reach out and touch the lives of others..

Simone and I share the beauty and collection of her shells she gathered.  Each a treasure!

Community, which can be any number from one other to several others brings us together to share the love in our hearts with another.  A good sense of humor helps.  We do not always understand other people but we can try to listen and learn and grow.

There are times now when I need to reach out for a hand to hold me to help me to be steady.

There are times when I start to say something and I forget what I was going to say.  I have to laugh at myself.  Humility and honesty keeps us open and forgiving.

Religion can be and is used to divide and conquer but it has the potential to be caring and accepting, compassionate and and healing.

Today I will go to church.

Today Leah and Craig, Ophelia and Astrid. Germaine and Willy may come over.

It is good to make new friends as our family grows.


Sandra said...

Simone was saying on the drive to the airport yesterday that she loves you the most of anyone in the family, Then she decided to be nice and add in everyone else. So, though you may not have had a big visit with the kids you still are able to make an impression.

House is 3/4s cleaned up. Need to go grocery shopping for the week ahead. Might wait till this afternoon when it is the hottest part of the day.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra Always nice to hear something nice.

We should go shopping but waiting ti hear from Craig or Leah.

Picked up a trunk load of food for the Food Bank
at church. We will deliver it to-morrow.

Dad has a bit of a headache and did not go.

I will now look at Facebook.

Love mom

craig decraene said...

Hello, was a great visit with you guys today. Hope all is well and see you sooner rather than Later.

beth bennett said...

Yes we sure enjoyed it too!

Always happy to have you visit.

Love Grama