Friday, July 6, 2018


                                               Yes he looks like he got the worst of it.
          The procedure went well but the needle going into the corner of the eye was extremely painful.
                                         I could hear him chatting to the doctor so that was good.
He took it very easy for the rest of the day and did not go on the drove with Carol and I and Morgan.

                     Thrus.Carol and I meet Theresa at White Spot on the wat to Chilliwack.

                                                                                   The picture of the fire from our bedroom window.
Friday morning I went to view the scene.
The fire burnt the grass and spread to another building just getting built.

Simone creating a fairy garden.

Time for lunch
We had lots of fun visiting with the two chatter boxes.


nancy-Lou said...

OUCH! That looks like it is very painful. I have had freezing needle in my eye for cataracts and they sure do hurt...your eye smarts like Billy be ******. I hope it heals quickly and Larry doesn't have to go through any more procedures like that.

Is that a house on your street that had a fire? It looks pretty bad in the photo. I am glad it was next door to you.

Isn't it nice that Mary and the children are here and they can play in the yard and pool and just relax. Especially Mary...she has been through a lot...I always keep her in my prayers too.

My Granddaughter will be coming down to her home, from her job as a environmental engineer up north. Just for 7 days. She works long hours, part of it in a lab. Very interesting and where she works is just gorgeous scenery. I promised her cabbage rolls...she loves then as do all the family. I used to make Carl ones made with grape leaves, which is Lebanese style. Grandchildren are just the best, aren't they Beth? I love seeing photos of all your grandchildren too.

I went to the lab at the hospital in Pine Falls to have the blood work done that the rheumatologist ordered and they said they couldn't do it...Friday and the blood would have to stay over until Monday when it would be shipped to Winnipeg. So I have to go back again.
But I did get my B12 shot. I really needed that!
Bob, my son, who had to see the doctor at the clinic and I had fries for lunch and we sat on the patio overlooking the Winnipeg River. The scenery was so beautiful, but the bull dogs were vicious. They take a big chunk out. Didn't get bit...but got harassed by them.

There is a heat warning for tomorrow..highs near 40C and a heat index of 48. I will just stay in with the airconditioners and finish up my paintings. I have frames for them can frame and hang at the hotel. Change up what I have there now.

It was another lovely day, wasn't it? Have a good sleep tonight,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

The fire was actually 6 or 7 blocks awa

A new apartment building.

My days seem busy now and happy.

Rick comes today.

Love beth