Saturday, July 7, 2018


I was happy that I made the walk to the duck pond.  I went by the burnt out buildings and it was sad to see but fortunately no one was living there so no injuries.  I am happy I am doing a little better.
Recovery is hard work and takes discipline and determination.  This  is true of any sickness.  The main thing is to find our exactly what is wrong.

It was a cheerful sound to hear the heavy rain in the night.  We sure did need it.  I did not walk with my friend this morning as it started to rain heavy again.  I had to get busy and tidy up because Rick is coming.  He will not care but it gives me an incentive.

The raccoon has destroyed all the plants in our pond and I am very unhappy with him.  He also throws things in and is getting to be a monster.  I have the garbage well locked up.

Restoration needed.

Sandra and Randy have a bear at there house who is getting in to their garbage.

Such a tragedy those soccer boys trapped in the cave.  I pray they will be rescued.  I am thankful people from other countries are coming to help.

I am happy to be busy and able to enjoy the family.

Mark Nepo talks about finding a new deep mysterious grace which at times has surfaced briefly in times of need which has the power and energy to restore the soul!  !


nancy-Lou said...

Where there is one racoon there will be more! Someone around here traps them and we don't have many. We used to have a huge problem with them raiding the bird feeders and making a mess in the bird bath with seeds and water...leaving their poop behind and they can carry diseases.

sorry to hear you have a mess to deal with because of the racoon...

That is really great news, Beth! You are walking farther and stronger too...excellent. Keep up the good work..every day you get stronger. I admire your tenacity.

BUT we did have mr. bear today and it was 35C. He must have had a bath in the garden hose...which I left running on the grass for the birds. he was wet and very hot...tongue lolling out and panting. The humidity is very high as well. I do not like this weather at all...prefer even our cold winter to this...but soon it will be over. The garden sure likes it. the tomatoes are shooting up inches each day.

I didn't leave the house although I should have gone and voted at the advance poll. it is for our local council and we really need to get some good people in there. The previous one has been divided with a power struggle. They have made a mess of our fire department and the first responders and the public works...fired people and morale is low. Everything worked well until they hired a new CAO and manager for public works...

I will be sure and vote on the regular voting day.

My computer room is awfully hot so I will say goodbye for today,

have a great evening,
Love Nancy

craig decraene said...

that pond looks nice, bear creek park?