Monday, July 23, 2018


Yes the arrival of Leah and Craig with Astrid was the highlight of our day.
She was more serious on this visit.
I try to make her smile and she starts to cry.

She now is able to sit up and play.
She is getting cuter with every visit.
Craig and Leah have their handsful with these two especially at night.
The amazing thing is that they still have a sense of humor.

We started the day by sitting in our front yard under the trees and by the running pond. I like that it is a cool spot but also we are hidden from view.  I read a few quotes while dad does his puzzle.
"You are a blessing to be discovered by yourself."  

"Wisdom waits in your heart like a buried treasure."
=  Mark Nepo

I opened the door to the back yard as soon as I woke up which is about 5 or 5:30 now.  It is cool and quiet and a good way to start the day slowly.  At 6 I go for my first walk of the day by myself aware of my surroundings noting my neighbors are starting out to.  T.J. gives me a wave as he passes in his red truck.  

Next I go with Aneta and her dog Lucy.  Se is always so happy to see me.  She is well behaved.

After the visit dad goes for a bike ride.  There is a smell of smoke in the forest and the firemen are there but all seems to be under control,

  Tomorrow which is Tuesday he will get his first hormone injection.  He is not looking forward to it.

It will be the highlight of our day!

Every visit of family or friends means a lot to us as they grace us with their presence and their love!


Sandra said...

I stopped by the animal shelter this morning to see about getting rid of my 2 kittens, but ended up offering to take 6 more. Probably won't happen but I just had to offer. Maybe that was the highlight of her day.


beth bennett said...

We do not always do what we set out to do that is for sure.

I am trying to figure out how you will arrange the bedrooms.

One bedroom arranging was enough for me.

I added a sentence on the bottom before you looked at it I guess.

Love mom

craig decraene said...

APT rentals