Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Life continually asks us to question ourselves.  What is our motive?  Who are we try to please?
why does life seem unfair?Is life worth living?  How can I help bring a little thankfulness, a little word of comfort and peace to some one who thinks it is not.  No one can solve her problems for her.

Where can I find answers?

Have I taken the time to grieve the past and am now ready to welcome each new day?

I am puzzled at some of the answers Jesus gives but I realize that he too asks many questions.

Who do they say I am?

Who do you say he is?

Why are you looking at the speck in the eyes of another when you have a plank in your own?

Who of you can add to your life by worrying about it.?

Why are you afraid?  Have you no faith>

Do you believe that I can heal you?  He asks the blind man.

Why are you criticizing this woman who has anointed my feet with oik out of her love for me?

Are you sleeping?  Could you not stay awake and pray for one hour?

Even our faith can ask us questions.  Are we ready for the answers.

Dad rode his bike in the Water Shed and a young couple who were worried and lost asked for directions.  He told them the easiest way was to exit at the far end of the park and walk to the entrance where they parked their car.  They did not follow directions.

I think this is part of our problem we do not like the answers and want instead yo go our own way.

If only we could feel and know  we live inside a miracle that is called life!

We can take turns finding answers for each other.as we continue to question and seek answers.

Life is fragile and I want to keep believing in the power of prayer and the hope pf a miracle.

Finally realizing the answer lies within our own soul.


nancy-Lou said...

Now that was a lot of interesting questions, Beth. You have an enquiring mind!

I guess it is pretty quiet now that the little children and the parents have gone back home. I am looking forward to meeting our Son's girlfriend's grandchildren. Their father is from Laos and they look so cute.

Good for Larry riding his bike today, through the park. Good for you too, going for a good walk early in the morning. The weather must be very nice there.

It was a nice day today and it gave the air conditioners a reprieve...which is a good thing because they have been running a lot the last 6 weeks.

I worked all day in the studio getting ready for the four art classes I am teaching at the summer clubhouse. I am teaching one of my paintings of the pier...during a storm, with the waves crashing over it. I have 9 students. and expect 12 which is my limit. I am really looking forward to it, although it is so hot there and also noisy. One just has to adapt.
I had to pack up enough art supplies for 10 people...many don't have art supplies. That is the big work...getting it all together. But now that it is, it will be ready for the next classes as well.
The summer people come from all over the world to visit Victoria Beach...it is a very special place. That is why they often don't have art supplies with them...although some have then at home. I am looking forward to learning where my students come from this year.

My son's partner, came with a plate of cabbage rolls and homemade soup for supper....can you believe it? I am so very lucky....I love Shelley so much. she is one of the most thoughtful people I have ever met.

Well i am going to go to bed early, really tired tonight!

It was another wonderful day, wasn't it? Summer is an amazing time!

Have a good sleep,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

You are amazing Nancy.
What a wonderful gift to share with others,

Have you any results from your tests?

Rick had no results but is doing more blood work.

I wish we lived closer.

Have a good rest.
