Tuesday, July 3, 2018


 I was overwhelmed to see Carol again and hear of all her adventures.  But just being with any of my family is overwelming to know that they care and love me.  Dad talked about the book "Blessings" and I feel very blessed.

Haiti was happy to see us all too.
When we arrived they were busy in the kitchen.  Kim cooked a delicious salmon on the barbecue.  Her and Carol enjoy working together.

We arrived a little friend as our old neighbor Cathy dropped by.  We have been asking people over so I was surprised when someone actually responded.  I am overwhelmed by her courage and strength during this difficult time.When she lived across the street she often would stop by to see us after visiting her very ill husband in the hospital.

We are good listeners.

                                           Haiti was very happy to see us all.

Carol shared some of her adventures and the new skills she is learning.  Our family is creative and artistic.  I was overwhelmed with some of the artistic things she has done and she will now be going over to see Simone and Sebastien and Mary and Shandl and Cameron to have fun teaching them.

Plans are being made for Kim and Hamlet's wedding reception in Sept.  It seems her cousin Hobey from Australia will be here too with his girlfriend,

Carol is picking up Morgan and Ben from Langley and has fun things planned for them.  We will see them tonight, Tuesday,

I will walk with Aneta this morning but we will go a different route as we were attacked by crows on our walk yesterday.  They flew right at our heads and even at the dog Lucy.  We we all terrified.

Overwhelmed with every experience where I learn new things about my family and about myself.
There are depths within us waiting to be discovered.


Sandra said...

It is so interesting and aw inspiring to hear about all that Carol is up to and has planned. My life seems so boring by comparision. But then it is.

Dropped off kittens this morning and will take them home after work. Will probably just sleep on the couch with them tonight as I am supposed to limit their jumping up and down and the bed is higher than the couch.


Steady-as-rain said...

The longterm weather forecast for Sunday is Sunny!

Kittens aren't boring.

Looking forward to seeing Carol and everyone, and giving Ophelia her strawberry shortcake doll.



beth bennett said...

Sandra you spoil those kittens.
and Randy does too.

Looking forward to Sunday too
two birthdays to celebrate!

Love Mom

nancy-Lou said...

How inspiring to hear about Carol learning new artistic things and passing on her talent and knowledge to her family. You do have an artistic family Beth!

It is so nice to read about all the family 'goings on' in your blog...I can actually feel the excitement in your writings Beth! It is so good to be kept busy with family things.
What a wonderful family you have. I loved the photos.

Carol seems to have been the taxi driver...since she came home. Lots to do with the kids out of school.

Today is a lovely day with a refreshing breeze...which actually is quite strong..slamming doors in the house! it is hot,but feels cooler with the wind.

I am still doing things for Carl's estate...there is a lot of work to wrapping up a lifetime. But I think I am done now..well almost done, that is. I had to change over the house insurance and now they want me to bring in a death certificate...I don't understand that one....he didn't owe them any money...just change it to my name and the house was always in my name. So a trip to Selkirk tomorrow is in the plans and then on to Beausejour to pick up the insulin and syringes for Max's diabetes. Friday is a day at the lab and clinic...I have to get blood tests done and a B12 shot. It costs so much for gas now...I filled up the car yesterday and it was $69. It was $1.19, which was cheap compared to most places with wwere $1.26. I bet it is lots more out there.

My rheumatologist is sending me to see a neurologist..I don't know when the appointment will be though. At last things are moving along. I have a lot of numbness and pain...so will hope they can get to the bottom of it,

Sandra sure does a lot for the kitties...it is so nice to read about all she does. i guess they must have had their neuter and spay today? Do you or Sandra have any photos of them?

I think one of the birthdays is yours Beth? When is it exactly? And who is the other birthday for? Are you going to celebrate together?

Well I must get back to all that office work...filing to do now,

I wish you another wonderful day filled with lots of good things,

Love, Nancy