Tuesday, July 17, 2018


This is a pile of books for my summer readings.
I can choose what I am going to read.
Some choices in life are easier than others.

At this time in my life I have to find energy from other sources than my physical body.

I picture my life as a journey on a boat.  
I set  our with a goal and a destination I want to achieve.
The wind of change blows with such a harshness I put into a safe harbour.
I am happy to be alive but I can start worrying that I could have taken another route and achieved my goals.  It is no good thinking about this because I feel that I have done my best and now I can rest.

My blogging has now become my calling!

I have a pile of books for my summer reading, one light fiction and the rest serious. 

The author of my serious books is  Mark Nepo who faced brain and cancer in his rib which was painfully removed.
"Cancer stopped me, humbled me,frightened me, threw me off course, turned me upside down and inside out.  I was terrified and lost living with pain and with fear."  Mark Nepo

He writes about the lessons learned from sufferings but also from everyday experience that continue to teach us to respect all life and to open our heart and our soul to whatever healing is possible.

Suffering and illness affects everything we do in life from our work to our relationships to our very soul of who we are.

I ask myself what can I do today that will help me renew strength and energy?

Dad has finally started talking his pills that he takes before his hormone shot next week.  He is not sure just what his reactions will be but I believe it is important to keep up his bike riding if possible.  He rode in the Watershed park but this time there was a young girl on the path ahead of him and he did not want to scare her so he rang his bell and shouted loudly and then even louder.  Yes he did not want to startle her coming up from behind her.  He was amazed she did not seem to hear him.  She fortunately turned off the path.

Dad and went to Costco to bet some GF bread, half the price.  I left his wandering around by the electronics but after I checked out I saw him wandering away.  I shouted at him "Hey"and everyone else turned to look at me except him  

"WE will not perish for want of information
(not in this time)
but only for want of appreciation. . . 
What we lack is not a will to believe
but a will to wonder. . .
Reverence is one of our answers to the presence of mystery."
-Araham Heschel


Sandra said...

You stopped mid sentence? You got tired or were interrupted?

Went for my first evening walk in a while. It was warm but not so hot I was too uncomfortable. I had gone for a swim first so was cooled down already.

Possible home for kittens, fingers crossed.


beth bennett said...

Yes I stopped because i got tired and couldnot remember is I had written about that story before.

You will miss the kittens but also it is a relief.

Good for you doing an evening walk.

Dad is off at the dentist now.

Carol and Panti phone to see if we want to go for lunch with them and Morgan.

That would have been great.

I must go to the store now!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Readings...Now that is a con-incidence! I just signed up at our local library today! It is small compared to the one in St. Georges, but you can order in books and you can read on line on your e-reader as well. So I do like that! I only took out one book, a fiction by the author Greg Isles...whom I have read before. a mystery type. I only read one book at a time.
But now I have to buy a new e-reader as mine is obsolete. One of the first ones to come out.

You should be very proud of all that you have accomplished in your lifetime Beth. I have only known you through your blog, but you have done so many good things for so many people. Plus, just look at the fine "kids" you have raised! You and Larry have such a large loving and kind family...i say...GOOD JOB, BETH AND LARRY!

Someone told me that when we are on our way out of this world, we don't think of how hard we worked or how much more we could have done...we think about our loved ones. That is what is important.

Yes, so many things are cheaper at Costco...but we haven't had a membership for quite a while. I can ask my friends to buy me some of that gluten free bread.

Yes, it would be nice for Sandra to have the summer to relax more...without kitties. I hope the home comes through for them.

I am all packed up and ready for my art class tomorrow. 13 registered now..I am really looking forward to it..just hope I don't get too tired. My friend is teaching a pottery class at the same time...so I will 'sneak' over and check it out!

Well it was another great day to be thankful for...we are blessed again,

Love to you both,

Steady-as-rain said...

It is always good to have a pile of books ready to be read.

Rib cancer doesn't sound like much fun. I suppose anything that throws you out of the normal

My doctor thinks I might have hepatitis, but I kind of doubt it. But tests will be back soon anyway.

I bought my CPAP machine today, so that is good.



Anonymous said...

Glad you got the machine. Hepatitis dosn't sound to good, but at least they would probably
know how to treat it.


beth bennett said...

Hepatitis has to do with the liver and can make you very tired,
so rest is the answer'

I am reading a chapter a day so not getting very far along..
I usually fall asleep.

Our heath is so important\so am praying for improvement soon.

Love mom