Monday, July 16, 2018


Enjoy a simple day of simple moments that add joy to my heart!                        
                  The joy of waking up early to the coolness of the morning and  the song of the birds.
   The crow is making a racket that I would not even call singing more like scolding the whole world.
                                                                  I have to laugh.

I decide I will go on a very early walk at my own speed and my own path.  It feels good to walk a little faster with my morning burst of energy.  It feels good and I meet some of my early morning walking friends.

Pat has a crows nest in the tree in her front yard and they are diving down on her each time she comes out the front door.  These are to same ones that attacked Aneta and myself.  She tricked them by appearing with an umbrella over her head..  She was the friend who came to call when she had missed seeing me walk after my accident.  She is a strider with kits of energy and purpose in her walk.

I talk to Coleen whose week-end plan was to have a birthday for the one year old twins but instead  a funeral was arranged for her husband;s sister.  Life certainly does not go according to our plans.

I enjoy watering the flowers who are looking droopy because I neglected them for one day.

Dad and I discuss where to take the trunk load of food.  It is a long drive to the main food bank.  We drive over to the Firehall ut they tell us they are not collecting it any more.  Then we head to the Safeway where they are mre than pleased to help us.  A young boy comes out to the car and loads up the cart.  He chats away telling us he is going to Whistler for his birthday.

I pick up several books that dad ordered for me from the library.  My favorite author now, Mark Nepo.  We saved a lot of money but dad reads a little and suggests we should maybe get a copy of our own.

I clean out the frig. and dad washed the sticky floor before going to Canadian Tire.  I forgot to remind him to take he Canadian Tire money.

We talked to Carol who is taking Kim to the airport to visit Hamlet.  We make plans to drive in and see them later.

Now it is the moment for me to have a rest, a well deserved rest.

"To learn how to ask for what we need
only to practice accepting what we're given.
This is our journey on Earth."
=Mark Nepo


Sandra said...

I am waking up early these days, before even the birds I think because the kittens alarm clock seems to go off at 4 am.

Good thing I can go to work early and then just leave early.


beth bennett said...

That is awfully early
but it soes have its advantages.

Cooler today I think.

Nothing planned.

Had my two walks and watered the garden.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Loved the observations about the crows.

I see the doctor this afternoon.



beth bennett said...

Hopefully you get some answers Rick so you can have more strengthand energy.

We will talk to-night.

love Mom

Shandel said...

I always think the crows are talking about us lol. They say crows have facial recognition and they can tell who lives where in the neighborhood. They sure do make a racket. Them and the magpies. On one of our early morning walks cameron pointed out a crowd who had stolen a baby Robin from the nest. It was so incredibly sad. The crow had it in its beak and the other Robin's were very upset,flying around to try and get it back. Heart breaking but also just part of nature's food chain