Friday, July 20, 2018


                                 Laughter and fun.  The raccoon was hungry last night!
                                         and ate the toys that were outside.

We now have our own swimming pool to put our feet into to keep cool.
I take time in the morning to  think about what is vital in my life.
The word caught my eye as I was reading.

Water, work, words worship, worthiness and walking.

Love and laughter,  listening, and learning.

Caring and compassion.

Tears and sorrows.

Dreams, destiny, destination and distance.

Cookies and cake and cheerful faces.

Creativity and generosity and thankfulness.

Memories, motions and morning.

Heart and soul and spirituality.

Health and healing honest, and hearing and hope.

                                    A visit from Morgan who can make me cookies anytime.

Carol and Pantlii drop by with Morgan before going to a movie.  They invite us to come which was very kind.  There was some lively discussion!

Today we are taking Aneta to the White Spot to celebrate the sale of her house and thank her for her early morning walks with me

                                                     Celebrations are vital too!


nancy-Lou said...

An interesting title for your blog, Beth. Vital...well many of the things you listed as being vital to you are my choices as well. It made me think and that is a good thing!

Nice photos of Carol and Panteli and Morgan.

sorry to hear you will be losing your walking is good to have someone with you. Is she moving to an apartment?

I find quite a few of my friends how are my age are starting to downsize to apartments or moving in with family. When I was at the vets with Max yesterday I met a lady who had recently done that and we had a good chat. That is the most interesting place to be...sitting in the waiting room, chatting with other pet owners. I even met a fellow who had a horse ranch and he plays polo. That is where I met the owner of the Bull Mastiff who was such a chicken when he had his nails cut...

I miss the White Spot restaurants...Carl, being an Ateah loved to eat and he really enjoyed going to the White Spot. They were always busy.

I am busy working on a proposal for a grant which will enable me to do more work on historical paintings of the area as well as write an accompanying story. I have done quite a bit so far, but a grant would really help, as I have to travel quite a bit to interview people, plus help with art supplies etc. It is a fairly large project and I think will take 2 years to complete and I will have an exhibition at the Birchwood Gallery in Winnipeg, when I am ready. I think it is important to preserve the stories and the pictures or they will be lost in time. Some almost are.
One of the photos I found yesterday was of the pier where the ferry used to take the children over to the Faith Bible Camp, which was located on Elk Island. I had forgotten about that...there are many stories there.

So I am working on this project today.

Max seems to be doing ok on his upped insulin dose. I was a little worried he may go into insulin shock and living an hour north of the vets...well you get the picture. I do have corn syrup to rub on his lips if it happens. He also has Cushings Disease which complicates things...but we treasure each day we have. He had lots of loves on my lap this morning and I will take them for a short walk soon. He is pretty weak and cannot walk far...but loves to go.

Were you out for your walk today? Is it hot there too?

How is Kim and Hamlet?

Well I must get back to I wish you a lovely day today,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

good for you Nancy pictures and stories of your area are sl important and certainly deserve a grant.

Aneta will not be moving for a few months because with a dog and high rentals renting is difficult.

It is good to have a friend to walk with but I also like walking alone.

Kim was down visiting Hamlet in Bakersvile.
She may be back now.

Having quiet day just the right temperature.

Good to have creative things to do. Keep it up.

Love beth

Sandra said...

Did Carol come by after I did and did you ask her about Wednesday?

I called and left her a message but she did not get back to me yet.

My kittens are getting huge and I am starting to think they may end up being our for good.

Randy is busy at work and I was rushing to get all of the yard work done today as it is going to be too hot the rest of the week. I got all my weeding done but not the grass cut, will have to do that first thing in the morning while it is cool.


beth bennett said...

Sandra you arrived after Carol and Panteli and Morgan.

Thank you for bringing us eggs.

We had some for lunch today.

Dad cooked.

I cut our side lawn and do the front later.

We will see if we can get through to Carol.

You do not sound happy if those kittens are staying with you?

Love mom