Thursday, July 19, 2018


Yes the only good thing about losing your hearing is that you have to learn to listen more carefully
I know I feel special when I know someone is listening to me.\
I know I raise my voice when I think I am not being understood.

Yes in our family we say there is time to use your indoor voice which is quieter than our outdoor voice.

Yes, even though I have struggled with my slow loss of hearing I have resisted getting tested.  I am not sure why?  Is it because old people need hearing aids?

If I want to keep in touch be a part of the conversation of life I realize that I need help.  Yes, they are very expensive and there are other ways we would like to spend our money.

Yes I am getting tired of saying "what did you say?" and I am sure others are tired of me saying it too.

I went for my short evening walk and I kept hearing this voice yelling.  I turned around and there was a young man about a block away but he did not seem to want my attention.  He kept yelling and I  felt like I should look back.  All of a sudden he and his friend had caught up to me and walked on by.  It was then I realized he had turrets syndrome and making uncontrollable sounds is part of it.

Both dad and I are definitely suffering from hearing loss which also reminds us that we are getting old.  I believe it also drains us of energy.

Dad had a two hour session at the dentist getting his teeth cleaned and some how he and the lady doing the job find time listening and talking to each other.

Yes Another good thing to get done.  Now it is time for my first walk of the day.

"A mutual interest in the life around us is the basis of reverence."
Mark Nep


Sandra said...

I am sorry if I did not seem like I was listening, I have been very busy at work since I got from my time off and was rushing to try and get things done before the end of the day.

Have you and dad decided to get the hearing aids then? Better to do it before your brain forgets how to process sounds.

I do have eggs for you. I am working at home in the morning then Sukhi is coming over for a visit till 3:30. I could drop them off after that if you like.


nancy-Lou said...

Hearing....I am losing my hearing as well. Especially in the right ear. it is frustrating and can be embarrassing when you cannot hear what someone has said. I find the sound is distorted now faint. I can sympathize with how you feel Beth. It takes patience on the part of the speaker as well.
I had a difficult time being heard as well as hearing, yesterday when I was teaching at the summer clubhouse. It was extremely noisy. I am going to speak to the organizer about students taking part in workshops there, not bringing their young kids...they were very noisy and the mothers seemed to not care.

If you can afford hearing aids I think you should get them. It has made a huge difference in her life. I cannot afford hearing aids..but I am ok with that. I will just need the room where I am teaching to be quiet....that is relatively quiet at the summer club. yesterday there was a moccasin workshop, a stained glass jewellery workshop, a French chef teaching bread making, a crochet class, a pottery class, taught by a world famous sculptress, hmmm is there such a word? ( which was huge) and a fellow playing scrabble with anyone...kind neat stuff isn't it? That is our wonderful community..Art Thursdays. It is such a vibrant summer and winter community.

So please do consider hearing will change your life and those around you!

That was a long session for Larry at the dentists...but it sure feels good when it is done.

Good for you getting out for an early walk again! Plus you have one later on too, don't you? You will be getting stronger every day Beth.

Well I am off to the vets with Max. Not looking forward to it as I know he is failing. He will have a glucose test and he has an ulcer on his probably need antibiotics. He has lost a lot of weight due to the diabetes...poor guy.

Have a wonderful day, Beth and Larry,


nancy-Lou said...

hmmm I must have cut the part about my friend, Barb and her hearing aids...they have made a huge difference in her life, is what I meant to say!

Love, Nancy