Saturday, July 21, 2018


                                         This is Aneta with her dog early in the morning.
                                          Her name is Lucy and she is Aneta's best friend.

This morning we went for our walk and met Joanne a friend we both know. Joanne was excited about answered prayer and as she talked I could feel Aneta stiffen and moving away.  She does not believe in prayer or in God but strangely she believes in the power of cynics who communicated with her dead husband.

I just let them express their beliefs and do not need to agree or disagree.  I do understand Joanne because we do share our beliefs.

Yes, we are all unique.

The sad things is that both these girls are lonely and want friendship.
But sometimes are insecurities get in the way.

Dad and I had a quiet day together.  He did get keys made for the back door so we will not get locked out again, I hope.

I ate a gluten blueberry muffin and I have broken out in a burning itchy rash that is driving me crazy.  At least I know what to do and not be so stupid again.  It is going to take a long time to get better.  It is called Dermatitis Herpetiforms and can be treated with can be treated with sulphone.  I hope to see relief if I stay clear of gluten.  I know I should not get too hungry or stressed because them I am tempted.

I believe that it is important to be open to the beliefs of others.

Be sensitive when sharing with friends.

I would not want kittens who have to stay indoors.


Sandra said...

Aneta will miss her dog very much I am sure, even more than I miss peanut I bet.

I talked to Carol and dinner will be at her house at 5:30 on Wednesday.

I like fostering and was looking forward to the day when I have no pets of my own so the mom cats can truly relax and get to roam the house freely. Getting 2 more cats was not part of my plan.

Randy woke up by 9 so we did a quick shopping. We stopped at Rona to get some bark mulch. With it being so hot out this coming week I wanted to give the plants some protection from drying out.

I talked Stephen into coming out the weekend Hobey is her so the Sunday will be Seeley's 2nd birthday.


nancy-Lou said...

I didn't want anymore pets either..although I dearly love my dogs. My cat Gilbert passed away last fall at the age of 14. I said no more cats.
Now my son, Bob lives with us and he has two cats. He will be getting his own place soon, so there will just be me and the two dogs.
Max is failing though...the vet was surprised he was as good as he was....but he is so thin. the diabetes is taking a toll on him. He is on more insulin again. But I will do everything I can to make him comfortable. He has a skin infection also with requires antibiotics twice a day along with his insulin shots every 12 hours. He has a good appetite but the food cannot be used...due to his diabetes.

Does Aneta have to give up her dog? Gosh that would be awful. I don't think I could do that. I would live in my car with my dogs if I had to...but I don't think it would ever come to that!
Isn`t it sad to see so many single older ladies who are lonely. I don`t know why they don`t get out more and meet people. Our Senior`s Scene has so many activities going on, they would have lots of fun.

People have funny ideas when it comes to religion...some are just so against anything to do with it. But, you were wise, Beth, not commenting and letting the two talk about it.

You must be so happy to have Carol and Panteli living close by again. Now you are invited out more for supper too! I was invited out for a BBQ today, but stayed home. I have been upset about Max. I want to spend as much time with him as I can.

Well it was another hot day here....these last almost three months have broken some records for days over 30C...and it has been awfully humid too. Apparently it is going to be cooler this week and less humid and I sure hope so.

Well I am going to watch The Crown now on the telly...season 2! It is good. Have you seen it?

Have a good sleep,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

No Nancy we have not seen the crown but Sandra has.

Larry and I watch our shows together and he does not like that one.

Maybe we will try again.

Too hot here today.

Sandra has Aneta mixed up with Cathy who had to put her dog down.

I am sure Aneta will find a new home for them both.
an apartment that will allow dogs.

It is so sad when a pet gets sick.

Love Beth