Sunday, July 22, 2018


        I sat in church thinking more than listening as I find it a good place to be introspective.

I believe that this is a good thing to do let go of the past and welcome the future.  I want to be more patient and kind and helpful. I want to be more open to the beauty of wonder expressed in faith.

It was a good day at church just being with friends and feeling like it is a second home to me.

I asked the minister to pray for Ken as he goes a second time to get the polyps removed.  His surgery was bumped last time and the preparation is so miserable it was very disappointing.  He knows this is necessary and we hope the news will be good.  Sorry,Ken, you have had a bad week but hope everything improves.  They say troubles come in threes so now it is time for the good times. I will be praying for you on Wed. as it will be your Thursday.

.Our belief in goodness cannot eliminate the bad things that can happen in our lives.  The best I can do is be open and honest about the way I feel and the poor choices I have made.  And yes we all have been there and done that.

It has been very hot today and to-morrow will be the same.  So sad to see our forests go up in smoke and flames.  I have great respect for those fire fighters.

Dad and I are sitting outside waiting for the house to cool down.

I know that each one of us has inner resources that often are revealed in our introspection.


Sandra said...

Stephen and Shawna have agreed to come out for the weekend when Hobey gets here so I am busy shuffling beds around to make sure everyone gets a good sleep.

Went for a swim but then when I went outside to have a second swim the pool had dozens of those flying ants in it and it was too hot to clean the pool.


nancy-Lou said... that is a long wordy word! One that gives a lot of thought. I am glad you had some good introspective thoughts...being at church I am sure they were Godly ones too!
I find walks, alone, are a good time to be introspective. That is why I prefer to walk alone.

In regards to trying to be better, I think one should accept themselves as they are and not be too critical. You are a kind, Christian, loving family orientated person....dwell on the good things! We all have faults, which we deal with on a daily basis...but acceptance of who we are is important for our self worth. We all need to feel good about ourselves.
I appreciate your honesty in your writing. I hope I haven't overstepped here...but feel as though I need to say something.

It looks like you are expecting company from down under. I am thinking that Hobey is Ken's son? I seem to remember him being there once before. Well that is nice. You will get to see your Grandson whom you don't see often. Will he stay with you?

We too have forest fires and have suffered with the intense smoke from them. Today is a good day with the winds from the north and the air is clear. So sad though to see 100's of people out of their homes with a danger of losing them...this in eastern Manitoba near the border with Ontario. I know it is the same in the Okanogan....we have an aunt and uncle who are elderly living in West Bank and are worried about them.

My watercolour class is full again, for Thursday. I am so blessed. There will be a waiting list. We are painting a VB sunset...maybe with birch trees...will see ,,,"go with the flow"is my motto. My class really like to watch me paint...which is fine with me. then they go back and paint what I did.

It is another lovely day here...a little cooler. I wish you a wonderful day.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy.

Hobey is Ken's son and has been here before.

He is welcome to stay here but has young friends in Van. and will be there.

Sandra is planning a family gathering which will be a blast.

Yes we have an amazing family!

Love Beth