Wednesday, July 25, 2018


                     Morgan enjoys riding on her swan.

A very happy great grandma and Grandma and Ma.

Everyone pitched in to make this a memorable day where I felt surrounded with love.
Came home to lots of phone calls from my brother and his wife, Shawna and Stephen. Cameron and Shandel,Mary and Simone,  my good friend Lee and also our good fiend Ron Ateah.

 My heart was full!


Sandra said...

You are very blessed, to have so many people love you and thinking of you. It was very generous of Carol to bring her dinner out to my house after I had to go home to take care of the kittens.

Theresa and Morgan stayed and played with the kittens. It was amazing to see them all come out of their shells and actually start playing! Now I know it can happen I will feel more confident that they will soon be just like any of my other kittens.


beth bennett said...

YES Sandra that was just what I was thinking when I got home.

Thank you for setting things up.

Lots of fun!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Now that was quite the party! You are so loved Beth...just look at all the smiling faces! Including you...lots of love in the Bennett family!

It just goes to show how flexible your family can be too, with the change of venue, with the kitties needing care. We had to do that once when the power went out on Christmas Day. I had the turkey half cooked and we had to move everything over to my son and daughter in laws house...just 3 minutes away. They were on a different power line than ours and luckily theirs was on.

that is a lovely red rose in the photo you posted Beth and it is loaded in blossoms. It would make a nice painting. Is it one of your roses or one that you saw on your walks?

My class yesterday was just so amazing...15 women from all over the world. I find it very inspiring although very busy with such a large class. There even was a woman from Switzerland and one from London England with her son. Two from Texas, one from Santa Monica California, Chicago from the Institute of Art, Vancouver, two from Toronto, and the rest winnipeg. I will post a group photo on my facebook page..although half had already left.

One of my art patrons walked from her cottage, (accompanied by her son ) to say hello. She is 98. Still very active and walks every day. It was a pretty good walk too...`15 minutes each way. She is such a lovely woman...I am blessed. Her family have bought quite a few paintings from me over the years...they are grain exchange people.

You must enjoy your shade has bee hot our in your neck of the woods too! I enjoy the little deck on the north side of the house too..and we have an umbrella on the south east deck.

Well I am off to Selkirk today to do some banking and grocery shopping. I want to buy a new kindle e reader but don't think I will find it there...may have to order on line.

Have a great day and thanks for taking the time to write your blog and enter the photos...I really enjoy it Beth,

Love Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

There is a driving restriction in the cottage area from June 20 to the Monday of the Sept long....( VB term for long weekend ). Everyone walks or bikes...or taxis are available if required. Our son works as a carpenter during the day and drives "cab" in the evenings.
The cottage area is so peaceful when you walk there and everyone says hello or good day when you meet them. It takes one back to the 1950's when life was simple.
There is the smell of wood smoke in the air on the cooler days.
At this time of year there are about 1,700 cottagers and they truly are from all over the world.
Victoria Beach is unique and I am going to work on trying to have it designated a heritage area. There is so much history here...and you know I am working on the history project, paintings and stories to accompany them. Lots to so and I will have lots more time to work on it over the winter. I am looking for a patron or a grant to help with the costs.

OK off I go...I wish you both a great day.
Love Nancy

Shandel said...

So glad you called tonight and that you received our messages. Looks like a beautiful party. And more kittens! I just love little babies.😍