Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Our community may be small but it's strength comes with the sharing of our lives and our experiences with others.  We free ourselves from fear when we stop living in isolation and pour our life giving energy into the lives of others.

Community can be one friend or many.

Our friend lives in Chelsea gardens a place of active community. .  They have community dinners and parties,, pub nights with dancing, musical entertainment, exercise classes, information nights, bus rides and games in the poul.  You can join in if you want.

"True community is not about conformity but about tjhe wiliness to learn tolerance and respect"

Dad is having a tiny growth cut that is near his eye.  He is concerned because it is so close to his eye.  The doctor is concerned that it is cancer.  We are driving to White Rock to have this done.  He has a very good doctor.


Sandra said...

Is that happening today, the growth being cut out?

I will call later.


beth bennett said...

Yes this morning at 8;30.

I can phone when it is over.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

I added the community spirit in Chelsea Gardens where Mary lives.

nancy-Lou said...

I am keeping Larry and you in my prayers this morning for an easy and successful removal of the lesion by his eye. Hopefully it will not be cancer. Good luck Larry.

That darned skin cancer is so prevalent these days. I see photos of people with terrible sun burns and they post them as if 'proud' of them...if they only knew the consequences!

That photo of the yellow roses is so beautiful. The rose looks to be a David Austen rose...a 'floppy type' that are so lovely. I used to have many roses in my rose garden...but our soil here is not nutritious...mostly made from glacial sand and even when I amended the soil, plants only live three or so years. I finally gave up and grow annuals in pots on the deck. We have to contend with the deer as well.
My poor friend lost all her lilies, just as they were coming into bloom. She has a wide assortment of them...but bambi got them all. She was devastated.

Now that is a very active community, Chelsea it a senior's place? I am not sure if I would participate in many things...I tend to be a homebody...different from many of my friends. I have friends who do participate in every last thing!
It is a good thing we are all different or it would be a boring world!

I hope you can post later regarding Larry and the surgery. You will be tired after such an early start. Maybe have a rest in the afternoon?

Love to you both,

nancy-Lou said...

How did Larry make out with the surgery near his eyeÉ I hope all is good!

Love to you both,