Sunday, November 4, 2012


I try to keep heathly by going for my walk every morning.  It is dark but I appreciate the warm glow that the lights provide.  The leaves are falling down gently aLL around me and I walk on a colorful carpet of bright orange and yellow.  It is very quiet and I meet only one East Indian man who greets me with a warm good morning.  On my way back to the house the wind starts to pick up and the rain starts.  I burst in the door so glad to be home and ready for a little rest. 
It is a sad day as we will be heading off to Dave's funeral.  He lived life to the fullest with a great sense of humor and enjoyed his flying and boating and camping with his family.  Like his daughter Diane said that in the telling of his story healing will gradually take place.  Dad was one of the people who spoke of his experiences with Dave, and told the story of their time in the army together.  Dad had forgot his tie for the big inspecting so Dave cut his in half.  His half tie came popping out during the inspection so Dave was the one who lost marks.  A good story that brought laughter to mix with our tears.
There was a band of family members who played some of Dave's favorite songs.  I wanted to bring the words home but I looked in my purse and they are not there.  I was thinking of all the people who could play in the band when my time comes to journey home. 
We were very pleased and grateful to have Sandra go with us.  Dad met a lot of his old buddies and also we met old neighbors.  Iris Read and Anna Popovich were there.   Everyone comment on Sandra's youthfulness and beauty. 
Hopefully we can all learn a lesson from Dave's story that life has meaning when we live it to the fullest.  Death has the last word and sets limits on the life of every soul. I am reminded that each one of our family and our friends are to be valued and treasured.  Kind words of praise will live on so it is important to say them. 
The important thing is our love for each other.  And I do love you all and we are so proud of you all!
 Dave was an exceptional human being and always fun to be with.  He and Mary made a wonderful couple.  He as a good friend to dad and they enjoyed doing things together like buying an old junk of a boat and then several airplanes together.  It was wonderful to see all their family.  Goodbye Dave! 


Sandra said...

I remember Mr. Brooks as always having a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. It was strange to see the people who I remember as children now older then the memories I have of their parents. The financial advisor that came to see us had us pick 3 things our of 10 that was most important to us in our retirment. I had chosen legacy as one of mine. Just like you and dad and Mr. Brooks I just want to be able to share things I love like going for walks, reading, love of the water, and I am PRAYING for a gardener. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Funerals are always time for reflection. Good that Sandra was able to go to the service with you and Dad, and good that Dad was able to tell that story.



nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear that Larry and you lost a good friend. I am sure Dave was there is spirit, chuckling at the humorous story Larry related. He is a great story teller isn't he? Carl and I are realizing that as we get older we are having to say goodbye to more and more of our family and friends, and it doesn't get easier. I usually go out to feed the birds, at the break of dawn and this morning had a "wonderful gift" happen. I had some shelled peanuts in my hand and a red breasted nuthatch flitted around, talking to me with little "chit chits"...I stood stalk still and finally his little feet latched on to my hand and he sorted through the peanuts for the largest one. What a thrill it was. So trusting! We have operated a bird feeding station for 36 years now and they bring us great pleasure. Blessed Sunday to you
both. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Does Carol know about Dave/

Anonymous said...

Lots of dad and Dave stories....Cabbage island comes to mind,leaking boat.,killer whale escort home.