Friday, January 15, 2021


                                                            A beautiful sunny day.
Everyone was out walking.
We all had over dressed.

Dad and I were both feeling very tired and very hopeless.  We will try what the doctor has suggested with a hopeful attitude.

Facing a busy day with piles of laundry, bathrooms that need cleaning, a dog to take to the vet, groceries to be purchased, meals to make etc. I feel very hopeless.  How long O Lord?  

First I pray .
"Each present moment holds the key to connecting to the Divine".  -Rabbi Benjamin Epstein

It is easy to get disconnected.

I need to remind myself about how important relationships are and to try to understand what the other person is feeling.  

I am thankful for Randy doing my shopping and for Sandra phoning the nurse for us.

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."  Desmond Tutu.

I take a deep breath and relax and welcome the presence of the One who brings me the light of truth.

It takes me many hours to feel some hope.

The last load of laundry is in the dryer!

"Be still and know I am God"  Psalm 46
Things will change when the time is right.



Sandra said...

A long tiring night for you both, I wish I could have done more to help.

After you have a a moment to catch up and slow down revisit the idea of weekly help and meal delivery.

I had to undo all my layers and open up my jacket as well on my walk.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra
I will have weekly help.

I will look at ordering meals.

Carol is going to get me started.

Had a good, amazing
beautiful sleep last night!

I am so thankful. Lovemom

Steady-as-rain said...

Glad you had a better sleep last night. But more bad nights likely lie ahead, so maybe some big changes need to happen?

I am trying to get both eyes working together. First step in getting my sense of balance back. No consistent progress. Was wearing an eye-patch for a while. Left eye was getting weak.



Ken Bennett said...

That's great you had a good sleep. The kids are enjoying late nights and sleeping in for the next week before school starts on 28jan. We need to buy a new car, I was looking at a Hyundai.

beth bennett said...

Yes I know we need to keep working on changes to the diet etc.

Maybe other changes too.

Losing your balance is awful.
I hope your eye can improve Rick.

Love mom