Sunday, January 31, 2021


January is a dull month.
The weather is dull rain and our routine seems dull.
I am glad to say good bye to this month.
I welcome the first flowers of spring.

I am thankful more than I can say for the help and support of our children.  Sandra has picked up the medicine dad needs to take the day before his procedure.  Pico-Salax, Reslicat, Dulculax and Gastrigafin. along with juice and broth he can have on his day of fasting.  He will need to drink a ton of water.  

She knows what we need to do and I am very thankful even if I may complain she is a little bossy.  That is what we need.  I am just being funny.  Thanks Sandra and Randy!

Net Carol and Panteli picked up some other items we needed.  I was happy not to have to walk over to the store in the rain.  Dad was happy to get some coolies!  Thanks Carol and Panteli.

Good to have a talk to Ken on the phone.  He has some decisions to make about financial choices.

Sunday is a day I try to make special with some spiritual reading.

To live a spiritual life we must first find the courage to enter the desert of solitude and and quiet the mind and as we pray and meditate it can become a garden of thankfulness and restfulness,

My mind is not as sharp as it once was but I accept the fact that this comes as we grow older.



Sandra said...

Your mind not be as sharp, but your years have given you wisdom and compassion and kindness and understanding. So what if you loose a bit of the sharpness, leave that for the young whipper snippers, after all, they don't have all that you do!

I am bossy, shoot if I know why, just a natural talent I guess. Truth be told probably find it easier to tell others what to do than to do things on my own. Maybe grama Bennett was right all along, I am just lazy.

Been putting off starting on our income tax this year, usually have it pretty much done by now.


Shandel said...

I think that is truly the ultimate connection of family. Children are looked after when they are young, and in return help their parents when they grow. I am glad you didn't have to walk in the rain to the store too. Good luck with the procedure and everything leading up to it. It is definitely always easier to tell others what to do than ourselves, but being bossy and or lazy is not always a bad thing. Just like everything we need balance. I'm told I'm bossy too haha and I feel lazy alot.

Ken Bennett said...

Yes, January is a long month in Canada, it's a short summer month here in Australia, never long enough! it will be hard but Dad must take all his pre-test medicine.

beth bennett said...

another very wet day.

Spenser wanted to turn back as soon as he did his business.

I love your comments.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Thanks to Sandra and Randy, and thanks to Carol and Panteli!

I am chugging along.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick
I think we are all kinda chugging along.
A day at a time.

Love mom