Tuesday, October 25, 2022


                                   "Optimism is the faith that leads to Achievement".  -Helen Keller

  I am making an effort to be more optimistic.  Very cold and miseerable on our walk today.  Dad is feeling better but we both get tired very easily.  My motto is do a little and then rest a little.

Dad drove me over to Heather's house to pick up my new study book.  Our group meets to-morrow.  It helps to get into it when you do it with oters.  We are all very good close friends.  We strengthen each other by our faith in God and his touch od grace in our lives.

Moving is alwaysa lot of work and also emotional stress.  I am glad Rick and Haiti are becoming good friends.  I am sure he thinks you are a part of his tribe now Rick.

Too cold and dark for a second walk tonight.  Too scary!

Laura will be coming to-morrow so that is good.  She had to have a minor surgery.

She always cheers dad up.  She is a good listener.  

Dad wanted to eat out today but instead we had chicken and rice again.


Sandra said...

Yes, moving is such a chore! All the decisions and cleaning, packing and unpacking. Since it is getting darker sooner and the weather has turned why not look into getting a dog walker for Spencer's evening walk?

Steady-as-rain said...

I was feeling very ill yesterday (Tuesday). Sorry I didn't call.

Unpacking seemed to be discouraging yesterday as things seemed to go backwards in terms of the organization and placement of things. More mess at the end of the day than at the start. But today seems to be off to a better start.

Yes, Haiti thinks we are in the same pack now, but she is rather devious, as I am learning.

Maybe we could try and gradually acclimatize Haiti and Spencer by you and I walking with them? And then (if that worked), in the early evening I could take them both for a walk. Just an idea. Haiti is very barky/snarling/growly on her own property, much less so off it. Like most dogs, but to a greater degree (everything with Haiti is exaggerated and extreme). I think it is very likely that if Haiti and Spencer met (both on a leash) on the neutral ground of the sidewalk that things would be fine. Especially once the group got moving. Then we would really have a pack!



Ken Bennett said...

Melina and Jasmine are very sick.I think jasmine just has the flu, whereas Melina is vomiting and has an upset stomach. Melina called this morning to see if I could pick Matthew up for school. It was late, and with the freeway traffic, I would get him to school about 15 mins late, which he hates. Melina drove him in as he said he had missed too many days this year. They made it on time. I will drive him home after school.
showers and cooler today. Still lots of people flooded out.