Thursday, September 6, 2018


                         Walking along the path in the Water shed Park is very calming and quiet.

It was a quiet morning, not even a gentle breeze blowing the leaves on the trees.  The water on our little pond reflected the beauty of nature that surrounded it.

I was walking alone with acalm heart when I turned the corner and saw Donna watering her lawn by hand.  She was moving very slowly.  I felt something was wrong.  I had not seen her or her husband Ron all summer.  As I walked up to her I could see the sadness in her eyes.  I told her I had missed them sitting out in the front yard always being so friendly and kind.  They would be having a glass of wine and tell me of a new grandchild just being born.

When I ask her how she is she tells me that her husband Ron has died suddenly.  I am speechless.  She then tells me how good her elderly parents have been coming to stay with her.  She tells me she is happy to be seeing me walking again.

I am reminded of the fact that what affects one person affects us all.  I return home to pray for her.

I begin my day with prayer and taking a deep breath to find the calmness of spirit I want to be a part of my day.  I believe it will give me spiritual strength.


beth bennett said...

I made a mistake and pressed publish too soon.


Sandra said...

Well, if you never told us we would be none the wiser. I take it that woman is not that old? I hear some rain falling already so that is nice. What is louder is the kittens up stairs. I will let them out today to run around the house all day and worry about catching them later.


beth bennett said...

No Sandra she is aout your age and they both seemed very active.

Goodluck catching your kittens.

Maybe you should get some protein drink
we are.
