Wednesday, September 6, 2017


I want to be able to look at life as a celebration of what I can do not what limits me.  I decide it is time to do my walking again and going early is essential.  My walks can again become a spiritual practice as I pray for others in the quiet of the early morning.

Life is again celebrated as the ladies of the church U.C.W. meet for lunch at Ev's house.  She has a lovely back yard with grape branches covering the side o the back porch.  We had a good turn out which in the end meant some had to sit inside but right near the door.  There was lots of good food and some that I was able to enjoy.

It was a time to catch up on our busy life activities.  Even the couple in their 90's were active.

We are a group that meets to help others and also to bring spiritual life to each other by the gift of our presence.

Jewish ethical wisdom was built on the importance of being a good neighbor and loving one another.  Every relationship in my life is important to me.  Those who agree with me or those who do not are valued.  It is good to meet with friends who are like minded because we encourage and support one another.

One of the needs in our world today is to convert hostility into hospitality says Henry Nouwen.

A good reminder that our lives matter and my life will and does effect others.

The day ended with dad and I visiting Vera and bring life into her place with stories and laughter.

"All life is an experiment
The more experiments the better.......
What if you do fail and get fairly rolled in the dirt
once or twice."   -Ralph W. Emerson


Carol said...

I'm glad you're starting to walk again. It sounds like you'll be doing walking meditation. Cool. Maybe Dad will go with you. My yoga teacher was talking about the importance of breathing today. I wish there was a yoga class for you guys to go to where you felt comfortable.
all is well here. It looks like huricane Irma will miss us but there are two more huricanes coming.

beth bennett said...

I hope and pray those hurricanes keep missing you!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I was worried about the hurricane hitting the Grand Cayman's as well. It is a good thing you are more southerly, Carol.

That is great, Beth that you are going to start doing your walking and meditation again. I find it so inspiring to be outdoors, with the warmth of the sun and the wind on my the dogs and I had a lovely walk after I came home from Selkirk. When we came home I worked in the garden for an hour before supper. My favourite things to do.

Your church group sound like a lovely group. I admire how you go out an do things when so many folks who are retired just sit at home and watch the tv. Good for you.

I drove into Selkirk today with a load of my Son's things for his new apartment and got to have a tour of it as well. Very nice...but a lot smaller than what we are used to in room sizes...I was thinking if we sell our house and move to an apartment we are going to have to take very little with us. Our house is full of things and most of it would have to sold or given away.

Has it cooled off in Vancouver? We have had some beautifully cool nights to sleep..almost frost at some places. But they say we are in for three hot days starting on Sunday and 31 is tooooo hot for me! I hope they are wrong...really wrong.

Have a lovely evening,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

The sun had a hard time burning through the haze so it was cooler today.

Still got hot for dad working on the front porch.

I am thankful for the fans we have.

Changes with your son gets you thinking, like me,
about changes we may have to make.

Love beth