Friday, September 29, 2017


1Anniversaries mark the duration of years spent together
Another anniversary celebration to remember the awesome love that drew us together.
A time to reflect on all the good memories and the good qualities that attracted us to each other.

  Not quite an epic but like the scripture says "deep love covers a multitude of sins." 
No we are not perfect and neither was our marriage.
It is not easy to be forgiving but this is what keeps love alive.

My first airplane ride was out to Vancouver from Regina.  Dad had finished his course in Winnipeg and drove from Winnipeg to Regina the day before our wedding.  He was accompanied by several cars of would be controllers following like a motorcade behind.  We were young and I know for my part I anticipated a wonderful future.

We were poor and young and had no idea that there would be many struggles ahead for us.

Dad made breakfast while I went for a short fast walk.  I thought it was fast but several people young and older passed me. We had a lazy morning and then went out for a late lunch to one of our favorite restaurants.  We love the view and the quiet music and being greeted warmly by the servers. 
The morning had started out with the sound of rain hitting the window panes.  The day did turn out a bit sunny and the combination of the water and the sky was magical.
Dad takes picture proving he is a pretty good photographer!

Friends phoned and emailed us congratulations.
It is good to feel loved.

Dad wanted to take me out shopping for something special as in the past he has bought me some very lovely outfits.  We both were ready just to come home and relax having experienced the fact that plans sometimes get changed and put aside for another day.

God never stops loving us and I hope and pray that through our love for each other we pass this message on to our family and to others.

Happy Anniversary Honey! 


Sandra said...

Randy and I were wondering how what you still have to talk about after all of these years. It is a good thing he has such an interesting work place as I certainly have nothing.

My day is gong to be taken up with ripping out carpet in the kitten room. Did you and dad go pick out carpet for your bedroom yet?


Carol said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the picture of the kittens. So cute. It looks like you guys had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. I am glad the weather improved. Here it has turned cool again. I hurt my back lifting the lawnmower. We went to the movies yesterday. We sat in the wrong reserved seats and I had a blue with one of the mothers. 40 people in a 250 seat theatre and she couldn’t move and me with my sore back and Melina was out buying lollies.
Anyway hope you have a nice day.

beth bennett said...

One thing dad and I can always talk about is how strange people can be. Real jerks.
Sore backs can be so painful I hope it will heal quickly, but be patient if it takes awhile,
Dad seems to have aches and pains that come back again and again.
Now it is he gout in his knees.

We had a quiet day but did go out in a real down pour to Canada Tire and Marks.

We have not done anything about our rug yet.

Love mom