Monday, September 11, 2017


Every day we put our trust in many things.
I trust the pills that I am taking to make me better.
I trust the car to start and to keep running.
Trusting that my computer will turn on right so I can edit etc.
Dad and I worked on them both for a long time on Sunday.

Today I got a letter from the licensing department saying I had not met the requirements to renew my license.  I had gone to the doctor to get my check up and to the eye doctor to see if I needed to wear glasses.  The eye doctor promised to send the results to the doctor who would send it in to the licensing department.  

I trusted that this was being done.  To-morrow I will be phoning to see what went wrong.

Today dad and I went to the hearing aid lady.  She was very nice and encouraging reassuring us that she could fix our problems.  It may take a while and especially take time to adjust.  We will be hearing too much.

Sometimes life hands us small problems but then there are the bigger problems that we have to learn to adjust to.  Within each one of us is a life force that we can trust to respond in a positive way.


Sandra said...

Are you still having troubles, not able to get new pictures, or did you lose your camera?

I have to try to remember to go knock on my neighbours door tonight. Her retaining wall by the alley has been collapsing for a while, but now some one has started pulling her fence down. She does not go out to the alley as her driveway is at the front and she has nots of shrubs and bushes so she might not have noticed.

Oh, and like you I often do not finish a book. I am just rounding books up to take to VV and though I have started them all, most I have not finished.


beth bennett said...

My connection to the internet was not plugged in right.

Once you find the problem it is easy to fix.

I did finish your book about Peace but was not happy
with the ending. I guess I like a happy ending.

Find it hard to give my books away.

Will try and get the mess with by driving license fixed.

Love mom