Sunday, October 1, 2017


Everywhere you look it looks like fall.
The sun warmed up the front porch but out back the breeze was cool.

Circumstances do not always make it possible for us to attend church, so we missed church this morning. I do miss it when we do not go.  The good thing was we were here to answer Carol's phone call and she has been trying to talk to us for several days.  She sounded good and she wanted to know how we were feeling.  Well, we have had no new health problems this year so that is good.  No use going to the doctor as he would ask us if we had had this before, whatever we were going in to see him about, and if I said yes he would say:  "well you have it again."

Dad is really into the ladies golf and he was pleased our Canadian girl won.  The weather they played in was awful with very, very high winds and cold rain.

I take some extra time after my walk just to find a quiet place in the sunny solitude  to pray and read.

Spiritual experiences can happen anytime and every where when we are open to receiving God's love that flows out of the goodness of His heart.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Beth, everywhere you look it is fall, here too! Glorious colours. The leaves are wafting down in bundles, that crunch under my feet as I work outside. Most are gone from the trees now with the exception of the ones that are in the lee of the north wind.

How wonderful to have a phone call from Carol. Even though she is far away she can be as close as a phone call or a skype call. I am glad that she and Panteli are settled now in the Caymans. what a beautiful place to live.

Carl's hip is bothering refers pain to his lower back. We will have to make an appointment with his ortho surgeon I guess. He had the hips replaced about 6 years ago. Hopefully he won't have to have that again. Not easy when one gets to be almost 80 and have to go through that surgery.

There is a large snowstorm our Alberta and western Saskatchewan. We are on the warm side of the weather so it is mild but gloomy and rainy. Rather that than snow.

How is Ben doing with soccer and his school? I haven't heard much about he and his sister lately. I guess they are growing older now and doing their own things these days.

I see Larry enjoys watching golf. Carl isn't in to that, but he watched three NFL football games yesterday. I like sports but not football. it is too brutal and the noise from the roar of the fans and that blasted whistle drives me crazy so I find my own things to do.

Have a wonderful day today....hopefully the weather is nice and you can get out for a walk...maybe your favourite doggie will take you to the dog park!

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy.
Pain is sure not good so hope they will help Carl.

Ben lives with Kim at Carol and Pantili's place that we also share with another border.
I believe he may be home for the week-end and Theresa may go to see his game Sat. night.

We are losing touch with them but have invited Ben out to supper on the day he buses home early from U.B.C. We would like to catch up on his news. We miss seeing his games but the drive to U.B.C. can be another traffic night-mare which is too painful for us to drive.

We miss Morgan a lot too. She will be out selling Guide cookies now I think.

Just a quick check of my blog before I go for a walk.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thanks so much for the update on Ben and Morgan. Once the children become older it is easy to lose touch with them when they are so busy. It is good that he lives with his Aunt and can bus in to school and to games. That was such a big change for him at a young age. He has done so well! We all are proud of him in Manitoba...his Manitoba cousins. Please tell him this if you see him.

Good for Morgan being a Girl Guide...and selling cookies. i see where they are selling them around here too. that time of year.Proud of her too. My goodness they are growing up so quickly aren't they/

have a good walk,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

My work mates three sons are in Las Vegas. They are ok , but he was very worried as news came in and the death toll rose. Nice and warm and sunny here today. Both Melina and I are working pm shifts , so the kids are at Nona’s.

beth bennett said...

I was out all afternoon so did not see your post.

Thanks for the phone call on the way to work.

I am glad your mates sons were okay.

Another tragedy that will affect many lives.

Love mom