Tuesday, October 3, 2017


This old tree reminds dad and I of the one we had on 53 St.

I knew about drinking Apple Cider Vinegar being good for the bladder but I needed to be reminded.  Thanks Sandra.

We need to remind ourselves for every malicious murderous actions, called acts of evil, there are dozens of acts of goodness and heroism.  A country fascinated by guns and power will be forced once again to face the consequences.

We are deeply moved by the courage of many!

We weep for the death of innocent people and the sad reminder that suffering strikes us all at times in different ways.

We want to know what provoked this irrational behavior so it can be prevented.  We may find some answers but there will always be some questions.

We are putting off getting hearing aids for a while to think things over.  The clinic will remind us to come in for a hearing test next year.

The grass got cut and the car washed but I did not do my walk and dad did not ride his bike but we plan to do both of these to-morrow.

We remind ourselves to do the best we can to keep healthy.

I am once again re mined  that hope lives on in the courageous acts of ordinary people.


craig decraene said...

I like this sentence “I am once again re mined that hope lives on in the courageous acts of ordinary people”
Something good to keep on the back of my mind when I listen to the negative news we as humans report on in media outlets everyday.

beth bennett said...

Thank you Craig.
The negative news does affect us all.
Hope things are going well for you all!
Love Beth

Sandra said...

Yes, it is so sad the pain one person can cause. Did you read the statement from the parents of the boy from Maple Ridge? It was good to hear so many people doing their best to help them.

I am inspired by yours and dad anniversary travels and so Randy and I have both booked the day off and will drives somewhere. I am thinking east, maybe even down to Washington so towns we have not visited before.

Saturday is the big dinner with everyone at Kimberly's house. 5:00 is the time to be there.


beth bennett said...

Good I am glad we can still inspire others.

Good time to travel I think.

Do it while you can and enjoy just being together.

love mom