Saturday, October 14, 2017


Spiders are amazing.  So busy creating a perfect spider web.
It is a cold and dull and dreary day when even watching this spider fascinates me.
I like to know where he is so that he does not come any closer to me.

I had a short walk on a cold day when warm smiles greeted me on my way.  Dad did not sleep well because of his cold, yes he has it now.  We were planning on doing some shopping but got only as far as Winners where we looked around for a brief while.

I thought if I got some yoga pants I might be more inclined to go to yoga.  Instead some new blue jeans and even a skirt.  I am afraid to try them on thinking I may have gotten the wrong size.  It is close enough and they are good at exchanging so I am not worried.

I get ready to do some heavy reading while dad has a nap.  Every day new things are being learnt about the brain.  It is amazing how we have evolved from cave people drawing on their walls to developing a spoken and then written language.  All just so we could tell our story, express our ideas and communicate with each other.  We are creating more and more ways to do this. 

So if we communicate with others through our brain then we can also communicate with God, the creator and sustainer who gives to each one of us the ability and potential to grow and learn.  A process of evolving and adapting and reshaping.

It is important to continue to have expectations even as we get older.

We cannot expect our memories to be perfect, 
 no matter what our age,but the most important thing is to learn to be calm about imperfections.

Each one of us has a unique story and as we share with one another it is amazing the benefits to the one telling and the one listening! 


nancy-Lou said...

Amazing! Well I think you are pretty amazing, Beth, to be so loyal writing your blog and to come up with different amazing titles each day. That is quite an achievement. You always come up with something interesting to write about. I find that as we get older our days become less busy, with not as many people coming in and out of the house....and we don't go out as much either. You do so well to come up with ideas and words! pretty amazing Beth!

It was pretty amazing that I could help my son, Mark carry three heavy bookcase into his van and we drove over to his house and then we had to carry them into his house...which as stairs. My house only has one step up into the sunroom and another one up into the house. I was amazed how how strong I still am at 73. But I am feeling it now. I gave him the book cases along with a heavy pine coffee table that we had to put on the roof of his van to drive it over to his house. It stayed there and wasn`t even tied on.

So our house is feeling a lot lighter now with all those bookcases gone and the old heavy pine coffee table as well. it will be a lot less to clean and dust that is for sure. I have all the blue mountain pottery packed away and going to take it inot winnipeg on Tuesday to sell.....goodbye to it! Just dust collectors.
so the downsizing is coming along quite well. Lots more to go though! Drawers are cleaned out and cupboards and closets...lots is getting the heave ho. I was thinking that all the things I take into Value lovely coffee table books and they turn around and give me 20% off my purchase and charge me 5.95 now for 1 book. and to think I have given them hundreds I am sure over the years.

So i take my things to the mennonite thirft store where all monies raised go to the Mennonite central Committee anad everyone who works there are paid help. It is harder to get there and there are three school zones, where one has to be very careful because they have cameras there to nail speeders....but I go there now. I do like VV for the selection of books...lots more there.

Did you watch the baseball playoff game last night between Houston and New York Yankees...was it ever exciting! what a game! They are moving to new York now so there is no game today...but tomorrow there is! YAYAYAYAY. We are huge baseball fans...we watch all sports...but I don`t care for football. like curling and hockey.

So I hear that we are going to have stellar weather this coming week...above normal temps and sunny and you poor folks on the coast are going to have rain and cold seems that happens often...what weather you have the reverse!

Well I am off to make supper. Have a great Sunday,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I think you are pretty amazing too.

Sounds like you are doing a great job with clearing out what
you do not need to dust. Ha Ha.

I am finding it harder to think of topics and yes my days are quieter now.


Love beth