Monday, October 9, 2017


I am telling Randy growing up my dad always cut the turkey in the dining room at the table.  It was a real ceremony.  Randy is doing a great job of it right there in the kitchen.

Sandra busy with last minute stirring and mashing.

Justice is busy doing a big puzzle.  500 pieces?

Dad and I have enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving in both a non traditional vegetarian dinner with a group of about 20 and then a more traditional lunch with a turkey and a small intimate gathering.

Over the years we have had many different celebrations.  One year we took Rick out for supper while another year he cooked the turkey.  He seems to like to do this,  We have had barbecues and even picnics which were great fun too!

Our family has different opinions and views on many different subjects which everyone joins in to discuss.  A hot topic Sandra brought up was marijuana which brought out some strong opinions.

Our traditions and our beliefs have the power to shape us and change us from within.  Some of the traditional religious dogma need to be revisited so that we can place our trust in God's love and redemption.  

Yes I found my journal.

I know that  have been naive but  knowing that I have found a place where I belong in my family and in my Christian family has been a blessing.

Bloom where you are planted and find hope in each new day!


Sandra said...

That is funny you title todays blog as traditional. Carol had described me as being traditional, which I took to mean boring. When we were shopping on Saturday we saw a light blue dresser as well as the one we ended up buying. I hummed and hawed about which one to get, but in the end I went with the traditional. I guess I just need to embrace who I am and not fight it.

Oh, and the puzzle is 2000 pieces. So if I get 10 a day it will take till ? to get it finished.


Steady-as-rain said...

I can remember Granddad Bowron carving the turkey on the dining room table. It was a bit of a ceremony, yes.

Despite a restful long weekend, where I didn't do too much of anything, I am still feeling rather poorly. I see the urologist this afternoon and the "stent" gets taken out.



beth bennett said...

I hope all goes well with the procedure at the urologist.

There must be some under lying problem not found yet.

Heart? Thyroid? Diabetes?

Hoping that the problem is found soon.

Love mim

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Beth our family carved the roast or turkey at the table and would ask, white meat or dark meat, a drumstick or a wing? We were and still are traditional. My backgound is Irish and English..with all the traditions that entails. I do like them.

I have a friend who marches to the beat of a very different drummer. She thinks outside the box as well and paints some very unusual pieces. She doesn't fit in to many people way of thinking and as a result isn't always included in family dinners etc. She is a really kind and thoughtful person, but rather like an old hippy! So others judge her. I appreciate her differences and enjoy her company. Must be the artsy side of me! I am not like her at all...but enjoy her take on things.

Sorry to hear that Rick isn't feeling well.I hope he is pro-active and pushes for more diagnostic tests etc. These days one has to really push for things to get done or you get lost in the shuffle. Feel better soon, Rick.

Sorry to hear that Tasha lost her cat....that is heartbreaking. Winnipeg has a lost cat page on facebook and it is very active and many cats are found. I wonder if they have one for Vancouver area?
There are bad people who trap them and relocate them outside the city of Winnipeg....which is a death sentence to most of them. quite a few people don't like them in their gardens etc. I think it is best to keep them indoors.

Nice photos of the lunch at Sandra and Randy's house. thanks for always posting the photos of the family is almost like being there too! They have a beautiful home don't they?

I see the temperatures in the daytime for Vancouver are pretty cool. It has been lovely here...sunny weather and pretty warm for this time of year. We may have frost tonight though. My garden flowers are still so will be a shame to say goodbye to them for another year. Have to dig up the bulbs, corms and tubers and store in the crawl space where it is cool.

Have a great day,

LOve Nancy