Monday, October 9, 2017


I am at a complete loss because I cannot find my journal I was writing in yesterday so my mind is blank.  I get out some of my old books.I seemed to be asking all the same old questions.  When you find answers if you do it is time to find better questions.  The goal is not to reach a single realization but living the process of finding it again and again. 

Life is a puzzle and we only hold a few pieces.

"Life will be an ongoing process of creating, revealing and discovering.
Each person, each culture, each religion or philosophy has only a part, none has all of it.
The sages remind us, which is why I believe in ancient wisdom has much to tell us, that more expansive and profound truth lie within every conflict awaiting our discovery."  -unknown

Faith goes beyond reasoning and certainty into a deeper place in the soul, not easy to find but often waiting for us when we feel lost and alone.

We can only tolerate suffering if we can find some meaning and purpose for it.  I believe in a spirituality of transformation which often comes with forgiveness and thankfulness.

Life is an open question that leads into on towards the truth.

I was busy in the front garden when our neighbor Frank dropped by to tell us about this amazing cloth for doing windows and counters and glasses etc.  His wife Shirley is selling them.  He talked me into letting him demonstrate .  He was more than willing to keep on demonstrating but dad mentioned the car window.

After he left I did a bit of window cleaning and then it was time to leave for turkey dinner at Sandra and Randy's.

Happy Thanksgiving.


nancy-Lou said...

So sorry you misplaced your journal. I know it would be upsetting for you especially when you are in the habit of writing in it daily. I hope it turns up soon.

How lucky you were to have two suppers (or maybe it was lunch ) out, two days in a row. Nice photos of the family at Sandras. Justice is growing up isn't he? Lovely looking young man. How old is he? Do he and his Mom live nearby you?

We had a quiet day today...doing some last minute outside work getting ready for winter. Not Carl, he cannot do much at all. Just me and my dogs! The wind was coming right off the lake and it was bitterly cold. A very strong wind and the daytime high was only 7C. But on went my toque, for the first time since last spring and my warm jacket and the work was done! Max, was shivering when I brought the dogs back in the house, but his sister is more like a poodle and she has a dense curly coat...golden in colour. He is like a Schnauser with fine silky hair and a skirt! haha yes a skirt when he is furred out like he is now!

Carl's cousin, Perry David came today with 20 lbs of pickerel for us, fresh out of the lake and "cut" as he calls it...meaning filleted. They look so good. He was out on the lake this morning in that tremendous wind. I don't know how he can do it..rolling in those big waves and lifting those heavy nets.He said he never missed a day this year. Sometimes when there is a :"big blow" for three days they lift their nets so they don't get all tangled up, then re set them again after the storm is gone.

We also had a visit from a long time friend who is 81. She and her husband are moving into a seniors residence in Winnipeg. They find the winters too hard out here. We were sad to hear that they are leaving, but they will be back for visits as their daughter bought their home.

We have a large flock of Pine Siskins here the last few days. They are a tame little bird and are heavily streaked with flashes of yellow. There must be 40 or more birds and they are going through the niger seed like crazy. I can walk right up to is nice to hear them singing and talking to each other and to be right in the middle of them.

We also have Mr. Bruin....who visits us most nights. I heard a big bang about 1:00am and got up and turned on the outdoor lights and there he was looking back at me in the living room window....he had knocked a large ledge down. He is very tame.
The other day he was sitting on his fat rump and I walked out the front door and he never moved...just looked. I took down the bird feeders and he never stirred at all.

Many of the male bears are in their dens now, but some of the females with cubs are still out trying to score more food to fatten up. This bear doesn't have cubs.

Well the cottagers are mostly all gone now...and the beach will become more silent now. One can almost hear the sigh of relief as the last one leaves. This is the best time of year!

Have a good evening Beth and Larry,
Love Nancy


beth bennett said...

Yes it must be good to share your beach with friends and neighbors
who care about the same things you do.
I cannot imagine a bear sitting outside my door sitting on his fat

We have been very well fed these last few days and I still have more left overs for to-morrow.T
Tasha and Justice live over in Port Moody.
Justice will be 14 in May.
Tasha is very upset because her beautiful cat has gone missing for weeks now.

It was good to have a quiet dinner with them.

Love Beth