Sunday, October 29, 2017


This is still from North wood Golf Club

Did not get far on my walk as there was a big stream of water gushing out from our yard.  Yes, we have a broken water main.  A nice man came in answer to our call but could not turn it off.  Todd our neighbor came over to help and he knew more than the guy from the Water Department.  We will have to get some one to dig up the ground and fix it.

Dad drove me to church because he does not want me to drive.  I take notes at church because I never can remember what the message was.  Today we reflect on the actions of Martin Luther when he nailed and listed the abuses of the church with a list posted on the church door.  It was the beginning of the reformation of the church and the beginning of Protestantism.  The problem is that the church still needs to reform and take the gospel message to heart.  

The word of God, a reflection that challenges us to live a life of authenticity.  To love because we are loved even in our imperfections.  

Monday will be taken up with fixing the water main.  

Today we sat our side with leaves falling like rain all around us.  It is suppose to be windy to-night and the tree will soon be bare.  Even the bare branches are beautiful in shape and form!


Sandra said...

It never stops with youbguys, just one thing after another.

Is it the city that is fixing the broken pipe or do you have to pay for it?

A busy day yesterday out to the fire hall and then vv and then every one over for dinner.


beth bennett said...

Sounds like you guys are busy too.

We have to get it fixed.

I am sure it will be a delicious feast with you and Shawna cooking!

Haiti comes today.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

A broken water main! Oh dear!

Do you still have water in the house?



nancy-Lou said...

Doggone it! A broken water line may be costly...hope it isn't too much. I hope you have water in the would be awful to be without water. Did they fix it today Beth?

The falling leaves in our front yard are on the cold ground covered in snow. I didn't get them raked yet! I hope the snow melts and I will get a chance to do it. We had quite a bit of lake effect snow and it is still coming down. The highway was really slippery today with some cars in the ditch so we cancelled our plans to go to Winnipeg tomorrow. there is no hurry.

I baked again today for Carl. chocolate chip, banana, sour cream muffins. I did try a little piece. very tasty. I always freeze some for when company stops in and as often does.

How is Ken and the family down under? I miss seeing his comments.

How is your bladder infection? Don't forget about apple cider vinegar....I drink some every day. Really good for indigestion as well.

The bear is here looking for the fat again...even on a stormy night he came. he stole the fat a few nights ago when I forgot to take it in and he is back for more. Darn it all anyway. it means I have to take all the bird feeders in as well as the fat at dusk and hang it back up in the morning when i first get up. That bear should be hibernating in his den. I am pretty sure it is close by...I don't think he would be out on a night like tonight unless it is close.

Bella is our sentry and is she is very good at her job. Very patient, waiting until she spies him and then she barks like crazy which brings her brother, Max to bark too. he is more lazy and lets her do all the work!

Well it was another good day and I hope you had your water line repaired as well.

have a good sleep,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

We did not get our leak fixed but we our hooked up to our neighbors so we have water.

Sandra also reminded me to drink my apple cider vinegar. I am much better.

Nancy you spoil that bear!

Time to relax.

Love mom