Sunday, October 29, 2017


As dad and I sat outside on our front porch I listener to Jimmy tells us about the bad accident his 80 year old mother has experienced.  She now is lying in the hospital with broken bones and ribs etc.
I wonder is this a message I need to hear in my looking for answers?
I do not know if dad will go to church today but I know I will.

Two men seek out Jesus.  A rich man clothed in wealthy splendor comes confidently clothed in his righteousness while the poor blind beggar cries out from the roadside asking for mercy.  Knowing he is unworthy and empty he asks Jesus to heal him.  The rich man leaves unchanged while the beggar is healed

Sometimes it is just simply opening up to the love that Jesus has to give knowing he knows our hearts and our needs.  We are all different and his word to us is unique as he desires for us to see ourselves as we really are.


Sandra said...

Did she fall to hurt her self like that? Are you referring to your driving that this is a message for? Did you end up going to the motor vehicle office? We are off to visit adena and Riley at the fire station today.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, I think you should get a copy of the letter your doctor wrote, ( from the doctor's receptionist ) giving you a good health report and take it to the motor vehicle branch in person. Make an appointment. Especially if you don't know if you still have your licence or it was revoked.

Gosh that sounds like an awful accident for an 80 year old lady. Truly does. My friend Barb had an auto crash a few years ago and broke 9 bones...some of them big ones like the pelvis. she was hospitalized for months, but healed remarkably and still lives alone in a little cottage here at VB. She is now 85. a remarkable lady. Sadly the man in the truck she hit was killed and I think it haunts her to this day as it was she who lost control of her car on ice.

My goodness that sounds like an awful lot of work for Rick...anything to do with the human rights commission takes a lot of documentation and meetings. My friend Roger used to work for them.

Simplicity is a good title for our day today. A rather lazy day! I did bring out the larger and older bird cage and set it up for the three budgies. They have been bickering the last couple of weeks and I think this will give them more space. I caught all three budgies once I had the cage ready for them and got a good bite from all three. It really is just a pinch and doesn't bother me. So now they are very quiet ( for a change ) and getting used to the larger cage.

Carl isn't feeling well and has been snoozing in his chair all day. he wakes up often enough to change the channel on the tv and goes back to sleep.

Isn't it nice to see Sandra and Randy go to visit their Grandchildren often....the pictures of them with the kids make me feel happy too!

We are supposed to receive more snow tonight and again on Wednesday. I will go to Winnipeg to pick up my paintings on Tuesday. Hopefully I have sold some! I haven't heard a word so far and don't want to seem anxious. But will email him tomorrow to say I will come on Tuesday. I want to have a sale at the local hotel later on in November...just in time for Christmas.

Have you finished the book The Glass House, by Louise Penny? I am slogging my way through the A Great just doesn't seem to be getting any where and I am 2/3 the way through. Have you read this book? Am I missing out on something? Is there supposed to be humour in her books? Not sure if I "get" it. But I have the Beautiful Mystery waiting after I finish this. the one about the Monks.

Well the dogs are waiting for their walk. Every time I get up the run to the door thinking it is "that time". I swear they have an internal clock. they are so used to the routine around here.

It is another beautiful day isn't it? Have a great evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra
She crashed into another car.

Dad thinks we should not go to the Motor
Place until we know first what they are going to do.

Dad is not feeling that good.
His cancer on his hands is painful
and he has several sores in his mouth.

My pills make me feel yucky but I will take them all.
That may be a record.

We can see you on our I phone.
Amazing! So we think we know where you are going,

Dad drove me to church.

I know I could get rides but. .

Yes another awesome day,

Love mom