Monday, October 30, 2017


I would describe our day as illogical. Our drainage system is not where it should be.

We were thankful for a sunny warm day as the guys came to shut off our water main and actually hook onto our neighbors water tank so that we did not have to shut off our water.

After they left we hired a man to dig down to shut off the tap that was leaking.  The hole has been getting deeper and the expense rising with no results at 7 o'clock.

The whole thing is illogical as he cannot find the leak.  Dad tried to help him for awhile but his feet are just to painful.  His mouth is also painful now too.  He is very tired.  Last night we went to bed at 7 o'clock and fell asleep listening to the radio.

Dad needed to move his car inside but both of us could not find his jacket with the keys.  We hunted high and low and fortunately Kim came and found the jacket hanging on his bike in the garage.  This was an amazing discovery!  I can not believe I did not see it.  Illogical!

I had several walks with Haiti.

It was a long day.

Now the water appears to be cut off and as illogical as it seems the neighbors hose had a kink in it that may have stopped the flow.  Poor dad is out in the dark checking everything and he may have solved it.


Sandra said...

So is the side yard all a mess now? Are they digging by hand or with a machine?

We had swimming and gymnastics yesterday and then worked on Seeleys ewok costume.

Woke up to snow this morning!

nancy-Lou said...

Yikes...snow for Sandra and Randy....but I think they would remember what it is like because they used to live in Edmonton, didn't they?

We too, received lake effect snow off and on all day yesterday and the world outside has changed from the soft colours of browns and greens to a shocking white. It makes it brighter in the house.

Gosh that is too bad you are having such a problem with your water line. It is a costly thing to have repaired. I do hope Larry was able to get the hose unkinked and the fellow digging for you found the leak. There always seems to be something come up when you own a house.
A dear friend of mine and her husband are selling their house and moving to an apartment ( which they will rent) due to all the hassles of owning a house. They are of retirement age now. I cross my fingers hoping that our house holds out until we are ready to move to an apartment...if that day ever comes. We both want to stay here!

How wonderful Haiti came for a visit. How old is she now? She would be a great walking partner for you.

We decided to stay home today. The highway is sheer ice this morning...all the way. according to people who have travelled it. I will text the chap who has my paintings and let him know.

We have three bucks, two who have a large rack on their heads...the third is a younger fella and he defers to the older guys. It is a hassle trying to place the bird feeders where they deer and the magpies cannot access the seeds. The bear came again last night looking for the fat cage...he went right to the spot where it was hanging when he took it. fat for the bear. nancy was one step ahead of him....we were surprised he came when it was a cold and stormy night. but fat is a huge draw for bears.

I think there is a weasel around, as well. I saw little tracks in the snow when I went out to feed the birds at dawn this morning. I will look up the tracks in my track book. That would explain the loss of all the chipmunks this fall...even my tame little guy is gone.

I wish you both a wonderful day today, with good news about your water line.

Love Nancy


Anonymous said...

Jasmine and Matthew did not go trick or treating last night. Jasmine is not well , and will miss school again today. We had about 20or so kids come to our door, which was more than last year. Sorry to hear about your leak. We had that last year , the Plummer fixed it in one hour we were so lucky he only had to dig a couple of feet and remove a couple of bricks. If the leak was under our slab it would cost thousands .
I will take Matthew to school now and let jasmine sleep in . HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃

beth bennett said...

Thanks Ken and Sandra for phoning and for Rick Texting.

They have not found the leak and so we are still hook up to our neighbor
and there is a tiny leak where the hose joins. Dad went over but no one is home.

Sorry to hear that Jasmine is sick and could not go out.

I did not think you had many kids Ken so I guess
it is catching on.

Dad's mouth is very sore and he will see the dentist to-morrow.
I was going to go to a meeting at the church but do not feel up to it.

Another older man has come and a younger boy so hope they know what they are doing.

Happy Halloween We expect to be busy.

Love mom