Sunday, October 15, 2017


Early morning sunshine puts me in good humor for the rest of the day.
Going to church and talking to neighbors and a visit from Sandra helped.

           Our minister is now bringing a lot of humor into our services making us feel comfortable.
It is too bad the church has often been seen as a place of "thou shalt nots".  It should be a place that is inclusive and tolerant.  The music has a happy beat and the spirit of the service one of joyful thanks giving.
Sandra drops by and I am paying her off for the fresh eggs she is delivering from a man at her work.
Sitting out on the front deck sends dad off to search for sunhats.  I was thinking of putting them away. Dad ends up with several, making sure he is well covered.  Her visit also puts us in a good humor.  She is going to drive me over to see Jane which I really want to do.  Dad is definitely not wanting to drive unless he really feels up to it..  We had planned to see the place for sale near Carol's town house but where unable to find it on our map.

We started to drive to Langley to Chapters but the road was blocked maybe because they are shooting a movie.  We joined a line of cars turning around and detouring.  We just drove back home to Brown's.  Dad had a pizza at Brown's and I had a salad.  Right across from our window a lady was holding a sign saying she needed money for food.  Nobody paid any attention to her as they drove right passed.  You do not know what to believe but we gave her a little bit and she was most grateful.

Interesting that it  was world food day.  We collected a lot of food at church.

I had a short walk around the block and talked to several neighbors.  One girl named Sandy mentioned she had missed seeing me on my walks lately.  I will get back into my routine to-morrow.The day the power went out Sandy was locked out of her house.  She always goes in through the garage and had no key for her door with her.  She had a friend she could spent the night with.  Her husband has gone back to another country to work.  I reminded her she can ask us for help.  She had not been feeling well and found out she was low on iron so we have that in common.

I find just getting out and talking to people is a great help to my brain.

I must start going back and reading over my blog as I am making mistakes.

Spiritual awareness enables us to touch the lives of others in many small ways with grace and humor!


Carol said...

Thats a great photo of you and Sandra. The townhouse in Tsawwassen should right at the corner of 16th Ave and 56th Street. It was an open house so should have had signs. Anyways it was a long shot. I just had this feeling that maybe our someone was contacting our real estate agent about our townhouse .... and if that was the case, then we would possibly buy that one. As it turns out, there was no buyer hiding in the wings .... and so we still keep ours for another day .... and who knows, maybe the Text Therapy thing will pick up and we'll actually earn a living from it.

nancy-Lou said...

haha...just look at Larry with the two hats! But he is smart if the sun is shining on his neck with all the skin cancer these days. When we were young we didn't hear about skin cancer did we? I think the sun is a lot stronger these days. Whether the ozone layer is thinner or the sun is stronger...I notice it the most on the bleaching of colours from the laundry that I hang on the clothesline. in a day the clothes can fade. Never used to happen in my childhood days when i took in laundry for my Mom.

Two beautiful gals are in the photo of you and Sandra! Really nice pic, Beth. It is nice to have farm fresh eggs isn't it? We buy free run eggs and they are so much better.

I am receiving all kinds of invitations into Christmas craft sales, but decline. It is a lot of work getting ready and packing then travelling on bad roads to long distances. I think those days are long behind me, although i do miss the interaction with the other crafters and seeing friends.

Has Haiti been over for a visit and some walks? I am getting ready to take Max and
Bella out for their walk. I don't worry about meeting the bear because he is very tame...and they will be on their leads. I think he was in his den the last few days because it was below freezing at night lately. Bears metabolism slows down at this time of year too and I think we could out run him....just teasing! I know better than to run from a bear.

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow to continue on with the vacuum saga. What a fiasco it is and I don't think the man remembers me each time I go there. He is 70 and is very forgetful. He had better not try and charge me this time or I will go there with my 6 foot 4 inches son.hahaha! I have paid too much already and he it wouldn't even start when I brought it home. I am going to make him plug it in and start it for me this time...yuppe2! oh oh getting more like my Mom these days and that may not be a good thing! OR maybe it is? hmmmmm
It is another wonderful day today....have a good evening. Are you and Larry going to watch the baseball game. Houston vs the Yankees? I just love that little player Houston has...Atreve or something like that. He is up for most valuable player. He has such a desire to play and reminds me of a that is what I call him! Just a kid.

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

PS...if you are running short of stories of today, why not relate some stories from long ago and put some photos along with them? Like when your kids were young....etc.
or stories of your childhood that your kids would like to hear? photos too?

Just a thought,

Love, nancy

Sandra said...

Another time my comments are lost.

I had said it was an accident on 64th that closed the road. I almost made it through but they closed it about 6 cars ahead of me. We had to go through Boundary Park. Took me an hour or more to get home.

Not near as nice out today. But I forgot to water my plants after moving them around on Saturday so it is good it is raining.

Peanut does not seem to be any better.


beth bennett said...

Yes we are watching some baseball and some soccer.

some of the catches and plays are amazing.

No Haiti has not been here.

I will see what I can remember
I know the feeling that we are turning into our moms.

Lots of rain today and more to come.

love to all.