Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I enjoyed the short walk Sandra and I and Peanut took around her little pond ares.

What day is it?  It feels like Monday but I know it is really Tuesday.

 Have we missed a cancer clinic appointment?
The answer was yes after a phone call was made.

Who was smarter dad or I?
I went out in the pourin rain for a walk but he waited for the sunshine and went in the afternoon.
He did have a problem riding his old bike and actually took a fall.
A fall sure shakes us up and he hurt his elbow and shoulder.
Are you okay? Two ladies driving by in cars stopped to ask him.

Our lives are lived out daily as we face difficult questions?

What helps to find answers that contribute to a sense of worth and a sense of hope for our future?

How does my story fit into the bigger story surrounding us all

Still questions about Rick's health?    He had his stint removed  very painfully removed causing him to feel faint.  The situation is very grave with only one kidney.  More blood tests and another appointment in two weeks.

How do the stories or parables that Jesus taught inspire me to be more accepting of life with it's ups and downs?

Jesus promised to give us the gift of an abundant life, a life worth living, a life where even the smallest act of kindness is a blessing.

I do not have a dog but I can pet the dogs of others I meet on my walk and that always makes their owners happy.

Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?

What does his resurrection mean to me today?

Life's deepest treasures, for which we are all thankful, are the love and security that comes with belonging to a family.

Jesus does not offer us a super natural escape from the difficulties of life but promises to be with us with love and comfort and guidance!


Sandra said...

That is odd you forgot the appointment since you mentioned it at lunch on Monday.

That is a lot of questions you have there. Today my big question is will this cold be gone by Friday so I can enjoy our day out.


beth bennett said...

I am getting worried about myself.

I do not remember mentioning it.

I added a bit about Rick
I wasn't too sure if I should.

Yes it is a bit too cold.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Questions...hmmm, did I go or didn't I?

Guess I am joining your club, Beth. I missed my follow up appointment with the plastic surgeon for the cancer he took off my nose. That is a first for me! I have to call them. The skin graft has healed very well. You can still notice it but it is gradually changing the yellowish colour back to the pink of the rest of the skin. I hope all is good for Larry with the lesions he has on his eye.

A nice photo of the pond where you walked Peanut. I guess she cannot go too far....she is pretty elderly isn't she?

Our neigbours have a new cat and she is a little devil when it comes to catching the birds at our bird feeder. I had to go out and throw a pail of water on her tonight. May have to buy some fire crackers. She was a semi feral and the neighbour, who is our niece said she cannot keep her in the house...she cries and cries to go out. I didn't tell her about the birds..I know it would be hard for her to keep the cat in. She named the cat TAZ after the Tazmanian devil. She is very pretty, solid blue grey coat and a persian and she has it looks like someone took a paintbrush and painted a streak of rust down her nose.

Are you and Larry watching any of the Major League baseball play offs? Toronto didn't make them this year...but we are cheering for Cleveland. Carl has Ateah cousins there. Grandma Ateah (Malouf ) had two sisters there...these would be their grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. They have visited the Ateah family, here at Vb a few times over the years. Aunt Lotti and Aunt Adele were their names.

wishing a great evening and I hope it warms up for you,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy,
Peanut is looking pretty good.
She walks faster than me.
Larry's appointment was for prostate cancer check.
He is suppose to go every 6 months.
His next appointment is in Dec.

We have the big black and white cat that drinks out of our pond every morning.
I do not put a bird feeder out there anymore.
She is the one that caught the mouse in our house.

Take care.

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

the black and white cat caught a mouse in your house? WOW, I hope you gave her a bowl of tuna as a reward!

Gosh we have all these doggone appointments when we are older, don't we? We need a secretary to keep track of them all.

Love, Nancy