Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Lots of green grass at the park.
It rained again Tuesday night and the air is milder this morning.
I had time for a walk while dad takes his pills before going to the dentist to have two teeth implants.
When I return from my Jet Lag Bible study he is home with a swollen jaw.  He says it went okay but was a very long drawn out procedure.  He had a bit to eat and then he started feeling pain.  We both laid down for a rest.

A challenging day for both of us.  I was leading the study and even though we laugh and have fun it is also a time to learn more about the Bible and how it relates to our world and our lives.Our topic was the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians, a very corrupt dysfunctional city trying to change there lifestyle.  They have to learn how to correct those who are weak and immoral  and still not free from their old ways of doing life.

The question we ask ourselves is what are the areas in our lives that are weak.  Paul in his letter bares his soul and shares that in our weakness we can find new strength.  Truth can liberate us if we are willing to accept that our calling is to reach out to the poor and brokenhearted.  Paul desired relationship that would heal some of the misunderstandings that had brought pain to both himself and to those he was writing to.

Paul is a deep writer and there is much to be learned about the time he lived in.  A time of economic oppression, injustice and rebellion.  There is freedom and liberation when the desire is for reconciliation and healing.

"Be in harmony with all things but most important be in harmony with yourself first.
A lot will go on in your life, some good and some bad,
but that one word harmony, will help neutralize any problems
and help your life to become beautiful."  -Brave Heart

Life is a challenge in many ways. 


Sandra said...

Sounds like another full day for you both. I have pulled out my suitcase and started to throw a few odds and ends in that I know I will need. Did a load of mitts and scarves as it will be a lot colder in Edmonton, we might even see some snow.

Hope dads mouth heals fast and he feels better soon.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, those implants are pretty grueling to have done. Lots of pain. I hope Larry feels better soon. I refused to have them done. Just chew with the few teeth I have left! But our son had it done and it works well for him.

Yes that would be stressful too, Beth leading your group in their topic for the day. Lots of responsibility and study too. I think you did a very good job. I enjoyed reading about Paul.

An artist friend of mine told me about her church which has two homes in Winnipeg for refugees. There is a family from Iraq who have been waiting for two years to come over to Winnipeg. the church group have sponsored them.They are living in Turkey. Not in a camp, but renting a house. thankful for that.

I was really interested and she gave me the chaps name and we have been texting each other. He has a family of 7...and they hope to come soon. Very nice chap. He uses a translator on the internet...but is learning English and is doing pretty well at it.

He liked the fact that my husband's family were from lebanon and said his Grandmothers name was Attieh. I know Ateah is spelled differently than what our family has because it was changed at immigration when Michael Ateah went the phonetic version. I have quite a few Arabic friends now who have told me that is not the correct spelling. Attiyah is another Arabic version.

I sent photos of the hats and shirts Carl had made that said Ateah Construction on them, but Ateah was written in Arabic.

I am going to go to the airport to meet Abdullah and his family when they arrive and will visit them when I can and help them in whatever way I can. he has the most lovely little girls and two sons as well. he said he will teach me a few phrases in Arabic! Pretty good for an Irish girl! Actually I know a few words from Carl's Dad. are going to get a a child. which means spanking! hahaha.

We had a long day in the city. I catalogued 32 pieces of art...paintings on paper, and took them in to a chap who is going to buy some. he may sell some too...and if he does I will give him a commission. He is the general manager for a large autobody car business. had a devil of a time getting a parking spot there...good grief Charlie Brown...around and around we go.

It is like winter rained last evening and changed to snow..not much but the wind is awfully strong and I am hoping we don't lose power. Many have already. So i will put on my first winter things since last spring and go outdoors to do errands. BRRRRR

I wish you both a good day today...with lots of rest and good things happening.

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy and Sandra.
I was glad when the dentist said my teeth were not good enough for an implant.

Dad is tired but has been keeping the pain under control.

Warm and sunny here today. I am making two
many mistakes.

Our church has a refugee family not here yet.

Take care

Love mom