Sunday, October 22, 2017


Sunday morning I would have liked to go to church but stayed home and went for a walk with Rick.  I walked twice as far as he did with my little steps trying to keep up with his big ones.
Rick worked on his papers and I did my Bible study for Wed.  
After lunch Craig and Leah and Ophelia dropped in to visit us.

This is a picture of the four generation.
It was hard to get Ophelia to sit still and for grandpa not checking his IPod.
We had a great visit with them all.
Rick hoped to leave about 2:30 but Crystal was delayed so it was after 5 when they got very thing finished.

I have an early childhood memory of going to the farm at Lipton with my mom to visit cousins.  They had an outdoor pump that you pumped up and done to get the water to come up.  I found it fascination and remember it to this day.  I also remember the out house which was very, very stinky and scary.

In Biblical times well, and springs, oasis, were sacred places where God seemed to dwell.  A place of renewal and hospitality as well as spiritual visions.

The Bible talks of the well of salvation which for Jacob was depicted as a ladder going up and down to Heaven.  Jesus comes to this well of Jacob and offers living water to the woman who found forgiveness and new life that was healing and uplifting.

We all have an invitation to come with prayer to experience this awesome love of Jesus.  A place of strength for times when I feel dry and unsure of my way.


Sandra said...

Looks like you had another busy day. Church is nice but babies are just as good at bringing happiness to your day.

Our day was much quieter and sad. We got suitcases out and started some packing for next weekend then Mandi called and she had just put down her dog Dexter. They think it was a brain tumour, he was having seeshurs for a while now but yesterday it just would not stop.


beth bennett said...

So sorry to hear about Mandi's dog that is so painful.

Puts a damper on your trip to Edmonton.
but it is wonderful you can go together!

Love mom