Wednesday, October 18, 2017


They say old dogs can learn new tricks but that does not mean flying over the handle bars.  I think I have not even learned  the old tricks yet.  Like dad says the shortest bike ride in history.  Should make Ripley's Believe it or not.

Very quiet here except for the rain beating against the window and the big gusts of wind blowing the tree branches back and forth,

I have washed the magic out of my magic window cleaning rag by putting it in the dryer,  Not the first time I have put things in that I should not have,

I tried to read my new brain book but it is too difficult for me.  I will take it back to the library for some one else to read.

Finding it hard to read and fortunately dad tells me they are light tinted sunglasses.

Yes we do need help at times. 

It is a good day to be safe and warm.
Although our power did go off for about 20 minutes.
Just time enough to find the matches and candles.

Looking for some happy quotes but the one I liked best was I cannot expect to be happy all the time so just except what is.

"The wisest people are those who although relenting in their quests for answers will trust some of their problems in the hand of God who knows all."
--Rev. Turns

Now I must finish reading my book as it is only a 7 day loan from the library.  It is a long book and I am almost tempted to skip to the end


Sandra said...

I got soaked when I was leaving work because I tried to get the catch basin drain cleared of all the leaves as the road was flooded all the way across. There was such a rush of water and new leaves as soon as I got it a bit cleared it was kind of hopeless. I did get it so the water was just 4 feet from the curb. I knew Randy had a fire going and supper cooking so it was OK to drive home wet and cold. And it was nice to see everyone was going pretty slow on hwy 17. There is so much truck traffic and back spray from their tires it is pretty much impossible to see in the heavy rain, even with my wipers going full speed.

The floor gets put in the kitten room tomorrow and so that means the beds and everything can get cleared out of the hallway.

Randy had to go to work today, but someone might cover for his towards the end of his shift so he can go home early as he is still sick.


beth bennett said...

Great Job Sandra that was a brave and smart thing to do.

I did similar on my walk today only it was a very small drain but was filling up with leaves.

Sorry Randy is still sick but there to take good care of you.

Love mom