Thursday, October 26, 2017


Confidence is something I find I am lacking as I get older.
Especially with my walking.
Nice to have Haiti to go for a walk with me and a visit from Kim.
Nice to have a phone call from Kenny as he drives to work having near misses.
Poor drivers there too.

Looking back I can see times in my life that I handled with great courage and inner strength.

Fortunately dad had confidence in his dentist that the procedure would be done efficiently and successfully.  He is not having a lot of pain and the Advil is helping when he does have some.  He wanted to go our for lunch on such a beautiful day so we drove to Northwood Gold Course.  I love going there just to take pictures.

 Knowing the trees will be changing color allowed me to be confident that I would take some good pictures.  The sad thing is the fact that the frees are now starting to lose their leaves.  Still lots of beauty.

Dad was working on a letter to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles putting down all the facts and dates of my compliance with the rules.  I am claiming that my license should not be cancelled.  I do not expect to be doing a lot of driving but would like to have the choice.  He was also trying to get through on the phone.  We will go to their office to-morrow and get things settled legally.

The trouble is I woke up from a bad dream when I lay down for a nap.  I came to a stop sign and saw three girls waiting to cross but they appeared to be just standing there so I started to drive.  As I drove I glanced to the other side where a young boy was standing wanting to cross.  I literally fr ooze because I had not seen him and what if he had run across just when I started to drive.   This is my greatest fear that I may run over a child.

I think this dream is telling me I lack the confidence that I need to be a good driver.

When Jesus talked about repentant did he mean to wake up and face the truth.

Be confident that things will work out for the best!


Sandra said...

I noticed on my walk yesterday that some of the trees are looking pretty bare already, but then it is November next week.

There was one tree in particular, a large maple by my work that I had gone by he day before as the landscapers were cutting the grass. The following day all the leaves just seemed to have dropped straight done in one big swoosh.

I am hoping it stays mild out for a bit longer so I can dig up my dahlias and calla lillies. I am trying to be thrifty and save some money for next year.

Lincoln waned to Skype me when I had just gotten home from work last night. Shawna does in on her phone so he took me on a tour of the house, top to bottom. The only thing is half the time I was facing the ceiling or his shirt. I was a bit dizzy by the time Shawna rescued me so I could got get some supper.

There was supposed to be a bed delivered for us to sleep on yesterday but it did not show up, hopefully today. If not we kick Lincoln out of his room and he sleeps on the floor or his mom and dads room.

I will be home till about 2:00 today so give me a call if you are going to be dropping by.


beth bennett said...

Great comments.

We will come by about 12:30

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Oh my goodness Beth! What a hassle for you to have to go through over your driver's licence. Did your doctor report you to the motor vehicle branch as not able to drive? That is what happens here in the province of Manitoba. Often the children ask the doctor to examine their parent and then he reports to the motor vehicle branch and they pull your licence.

It has happened to a couple of our who has macular degeneration of her eyes. She is now legally blind, and hasn't driven in a few years...but it sure doesn't slow her down one bit. At 80 she is very active in the Senior's Scene here at VB. Works in the kitchen and helps with setting tables etc. She has very limited vision...but a huge spirit! She is Carl's cousin, Larrete Ateah. She has a twin brother Larry, who is one of Carl's best friends.

winnipeg was a mess of accidents last night...after a day of wet snow it all froze about 6pm and the bridges were disasters...they freeze very quickly due to the air that is under them. There were over 100 accidents with 50 vehicles having to be towed and quite a few injuries. I listened to all this during the night and when 6am came and we were supposed to get ready to leave for Winnipeg for Carl's surgery...I cancelled it. There was no way I was going to drive in those conditions. The city's works dept got caught unprepared and didn't salt and sand in time. So now, poor Carl has to ready himself again for bladder surgery. We don't have a date yet. Hopefully it won't be bad weather again.

Isnt that cute..Lincoln taking Sandra on a tour of his t shirt and the ceiling...hahha. Modern technology! We have come so far haven't we Beth? From just a tube radio at home to black and white tv's who would have thought?

I am going to get back to the world series baseball game...I hope you driver's licence will be restored or renewed. Keep us in the loop!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sorry about Carl's cancellation.
You would not want to be travelling in those conditions.

There has been a mix up with my examen results that said
I was okay to drive. Maybe the doctor did not send them in
but what ever the reason they have mixed things up.
I have left messages and written a letter explaining everything was done in time
and I passed the physical.
We will go to the office on Monday.
I will join Larry watching baseball or football and then we are watching
Net Flicks. Wanted, has some funny moments.

Keep safe!

Love beth