Saturday, October 21, 2017


Sandra delivers the farm fresh eggs.  The problem of not enough eggs is now solved.

Dad now has a cough and a tight chest.  Both Sandra and Randy both have the cough too.  Dad will take it easy today and we released him from omlet duty and Rick took over cooking the eggs.
Randy and Sandra have a busy day today with lots of stops to make.  Time to leave.

 Rick and Crystal have their own problems to solve.

It seems that there are many problems that need to be solved with religion and even spirituality.
Who  are we even talking about when we talk about God?
Different churches have different ideas but if we focus with the goal of being better educated , and serious about our reflections we will be able to solve some of our problems.

There will always be problems that need to be solved.

"To trust that there is a divine being who cares and loves and who guides can fell like taking a leap across a deep ocean. ".  -Rob Bell

I believe it is a problem worth disguising and joining with others in the search for answers.


Sandra said...

As usual we did not get to all the places we needed to. Did Crystal get to move in to her new place yesterday?

My cough got worse through the day but Randy's didn't.

How was the rest of your and dads day?


nancy-Lou said...

Such nice family pictures Beth. Your home seems to be the "hub" for all your family. So nice to see how your adult kids, Grand kids and Grand dog, pop in and bring you things and visit.
That is what makes a house a home!

I like to think our home is like that to all! I miss our son a lot, Bob, who moved to Selkirk to make a change in his career. He has a blood disease and cannot work in carpentry any longer. We used to see him daily, but it has been two weeks now. We text and talk on the phone though.

Sorry to hear that the "bug" is making it's way through your family. I guess it is that time of year.

We had our flu shots on Wednesday. Have you and Larry had yours yet? Have you had the pneumonia shot as well. that one lasts a life time...but it doesn't protect against the bacterial pneumonia I had 3 years ago.

How is Rick feeling? I do hope that he is feeling is so hard to have to work and not feel well. he looks good in the photo with Crystal.

The eggs look really good. I buy free run eggs too and they taste a lot better than the ones from superstore or safeway.

I am cataloging all my paintings which is a daunting thing! I have so many on paper...that aren't framed and quite few that were not finished when doing a demo in a workshop. Almost done but not quite. Which means I have to finish them now. I will be having a show of my work at our local hotel...the end of November. A Christmas show. nothing I used to more framing. No more having to set up a large display...too much work for me now. Just display the papers on a table and a couple of easels. Might ask my friend, Susan if she wants to participate...but she will have to share the costs!

The Anglican parish of St. Michael's church compiled a book of stories and photographs from over the years that is was established and built in 1949. They kindly included a story that I wrote and I may type it in here for you to read because I think you would get a kick out of it.

I think I need Larry to here to direct my budgies...they are flying all around my head as I type. There are three of them and they are not very good flyers and often crash land. oh oh!
I let them out and took their cage apart and gave it a thorough cleaning. I do it once a month or so and in between just wash and wipe it out and replace everything. We really enjoy them. they are so cheerful and sing a lot.

Bella is laying on my foot and Max on the other one...the birds are flying around...couldn't be happier...well maybe if I had another kitty...but we cannot do that now.

it is going to be another great day...

Love, nancy

nancy-Lou said...

I have always loved my piano and greatly missed it when my family would move down to our cottage at Victoria Beach for the two summer months. When I was about 10 years old 9 circa 1954) I was passing St. Michael's church and thought I would like to go inside. In those days churches were usually left open. I found an old pump organ up at the front near the sanctuary. I just couldn't help myself and had to try and play it. it took quite a bit of practice to learn how to manage the bellows with the pump pedals....but soon it because east.
I used to stop in there often to practice and usually played hymns that I knew from my church, Jesus Loves Me, Now the Day is Over, The Little Brown church in the Vale. My church was St. Stephan's Anglican Church Winnipeg, where I sang in the Junior and Senior choir.

Sometimes passer-byes would hear the music and come in and sit in the pews to listen. I remember having quite a feeling of reverence playing and at the same time watching the sunbeams shining through the windows chase dust mots. Fond memories.

After I married Carl Ateah, in the early 1960's I went to church every Sunday that were we out visiting them. Eddy and Ann Ateah. Eddy was uncle to David Ateah.

the church was usually almost full. People had their special places in "their pews" Our's was the third row on the right. the church Captains were the ministers. I especially remember Captain Grey. he wore a uniform that was gray and had red bands and tabs on the collar.

There is more to my story by it is all about other folks that you wouldn't know.

I didn't know if I should post this here Beth, on your blog...I hope it is OK. I could have emailed it.

did you want to hear about the time the ladies auxiliary church group were quilting at Auntie Fredas..she was an is about a dog and cat! funny story.

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy I love to hear stories so keep on telling them.

Sandra we did not do much after you left
Rick and worked and worked.

I went for a walk in the rain and had a nap.

Love mom