Monday, October 16, 2017


Sandra's garden!

I like to believe that praying is good for your brain and can lift your spirits.

I talk tomyself so I might as well enclude God in the conversation!

Living Water Source of Life in whom we live and have our being, who quenches the thirst, refreshes our weariness, baths and washes and cleanses our wounds, be for us a fountain of life and for all the world a river of hope springing up in the midst of despair.  We give you thanks.   --Church bulletin

People who make the world more beautiful with gardens of color and fragrance and beauty refresh the soul as does prayer.

We are an answer to each other's prayers in many different ways.

Our thoughts and prayers and words are living energy that create in us the desire to make the world a better place.  Prayer takes us into the mystery of a higher energy and light. 

 I tried to find where some one says prayer is good for your brain but so far I cannot find it.  I believe it is so that is what is important.

It was great when dad and I could do things like help at the food bank but those days are over and we had fun doing it.  Handing our food to those struggling was an answer to their prayers.  Now we are at a place in life that if we need help we have to ask for it.

Dad drove me to visiting at the Senor's Home.  The mystery of my driver's license has not been solved but dad has a plan to discover what is going on.   Anyway a interesting think is happening with my visits with Joan.  We are becoming friends and she is now interested in my life.  This has been a slow process but well worth the effort.

I was happy that dad wanted to do the shopping for groceries on our way home and he had fun trying to get some pears into a bag as they kept on breaking and rolling all over the floor.  That is when I  would be thankful no one I knew was near by.

The Bible does speak of the mysteries of God that can be revealed through dreams and prophecy


Sandra said...

Maybe prayer is good for your brain because it is focusing on a solution to a problem and so keeps it active. Prayer that leads to action would be the most useful of course, since " I will pray for you" can be a bit of a cop out.

Wet wet wet last night and this morning. Randy now has my cold and he is home from work so he can take care of Peanut who does not seem any better.


beth bennett said...

Very wise words Sandra.
Sorry to hear that Randy is now sick.
Dad has a tight chest and a cough.
I will not go out in the wind and rain this morning.
It nearly blew the paper girl away.
Hope the drive to work goes okay.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Nice and sunny and hot here today. I plan on cutting the grass before the Canucks game starts at 10:30am. Working lots but have two days off now. I bought an CPAP machine off the internet at half the price they sell for here. I have fallen back to feeling sleepy all the time with multi apnoea events during my sleep.
Have a nice day
Love ken

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken,
That is good news you now have an CDAC machine.
Our sleep is extremely import.

Just watched the Canucks game.

A much better game.

Enjoy your days off.

Love mom