Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Lots of decorations around for Halloween.  Our neighbors will all come by I expect.

I could have worn my pajamas to the store today as the clerks where all dressed up.  I would have fit in!

We have to look on our water pipe breaking as a learning experience.  It has depressed us a little as the first fellow did not seem to know much.  In the afternoon an older man and a young boy came and seem to be more knowledgeable. We are hooked up to our neighbors water so we do have water.  So others in the family have had this too but our yard is a real mess but we are not too concerned about that.  We just want the water to be hooked up.  Right now all the holes are filling up with water.

Just think of those other people with no electricity and no water.  So sad.  How do you stay hopeful with those conditions.\

We were delighted to have our first little puppy dog come trick or treating.

She is going to be a writer!

Hopefully the water pipe will be fixed soon.

                           Dad goes to the dentist to-morrow and hopefully his mouth will heal up soon.

Hopefully at the end of the day we remember what really matters.  Loving others!


craig decraene said...

Was good to see you guys today, Ophelia really enjoyed her Twix.

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't Ophelia a little doll? And so serious about everything! Beautiful child. Her Mom and Dad are doing a great job of raising her! I enjoy seeing the photos of her. Just look at her concentrating on writing with two pens...not one!

Were the workmen able to repair the watermain? I sure hope so! That is a long time to be without water....kind of ironic in a way when you live in Vancouver and water is everywhere...including the rain!

We have a well and the water is very cold. Even in the summer it is cold because it is 36 feet deep and it is a dug well...not a drilled well. The water is very good because we live on a sand hill (most of Victoria Beach is a sand hill ) and the water is purified as it goes through the ground into the underground stream. I am thankful for the water every day. so many people have to live with water that has chlorine added to it, or nasty hard water. It makes great tea and coffee too.

Gosh that must have given you a start to open your door and see such a ghoulish character.
We had a strange Hallowe'en caller too last night...his name is Mr. Bear. He walked right under the kitchen bay window and then proceeded to the living room windows where he put his nose right up to the glass and looked in at the crazy barking dogs. he is used to them by now and just curious I guess.

I hope that Larry's implants feel better today. They are very painful. I remember when our son had his done.

Well I am off to do some more throwing out of stuff....I think it is going to take me all winter...but it has to happen. Just in case we have to sell and move to an apartment. It all depends on our health and hopefully I will remain strong and able to do all that needs to be done owning a house.

It is going to be another wonderful day.....

Love, Nancy