Thursday, August 31, 2017


I have not looked at my computer all day.  I have not watered my flowers because I have been sick.

I started to feel strange after Leah and Ophelia left.  I was having stomach cramps, then nausea, then running to the washroom.  Both dad and I had nightmares and I also felt anxiety. with the pain and discomfort.   I woke up with a bad headache and was sick in bed.  Poor dad.

I am sure to-night will be better.  Dad has been looking after me all day and gets grouch if I try to do anything.

Dad also worked on the matting for his deck but was too tired also to do much.

It has been a strange day for me.  I am thankful for the healing powers our bodies have.

Am looking forward to our party.

Off to bed now.


Sandra said...

I think I would have titled it something other than strange. Hope today is a much better day for you.


Carol said...

I wish I could be at the party. I hope you are feeling better and have fun.

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra You are right
I should be used to these attacks by now.
I feel week today but am on the mend.
Will just take it easy.

Thanks Carol I will make the party.

We all wish you could be there,

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Sorry you are feeling sick Mom. Hopefully it will pass soon with some rest.

Actually, I'm feeling pretty lousy myself. But a good nights sleep tonight will help I'm sure.

I'm supposed to be meeting with the new owner of the house tonight.



beth bennett said...

Sorry you are not so good Rick.

Hope you can get a good night's rest.


nancy-Lou said...

That photo of Ophelia taking out the toys as fast as her Mom was putting them away was so cute. She is a busy little bee isn't she. Getting around now. Very cute.

Gosh I hope Rick feels better is not good when one has to work and they aren't well. good that he is having his scan this week.

Awful too that you felt so ill is so hard when one has a bout of stomach upsets like that. You need to be so careful not to fall when you are weak. I do hope that you will be feeling much better tomorrow. Be sure and take care now and not try to do too much.

Today the highways were buzzing with cottagers coming out for the long weekend. Thhis will be the last really busy weekend until the May long weekend. thanksgiving is busy but there aren't nearly as many here then.

have a nice evening,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I am sick as well , I have taken two days off work. I start at 3am tomorrow so I have to go into work even if I’m not well. They had a Father’s Day celebration at school yesterday. I had a nap and felt ok at school. We had a sausage sizzle and then played games with the kids. I went to the DR before dinner then I got the shivers and a splitting headache. Well the weather looks good for Sandra and Randy’s party tomorrow. I hope your feeling better mom. Don’t forget the yoghurt to counter act the medicine..

beth bennett said...

Ken that is not good. What did the doctor say?
Can you not take more time off work?
Your hours are terrible and must be very draining.

I am very fortunate as I am well taken care of.

The party is on Sunday and Rick is providing food with
fruit salad by Kim and nibbles by Tasha. I know if Kim is around
everyone has a job and they all help. But still it will take some organizing.

Dad's feet are bad but he is so happy to finish his latest project.

Wish you all could be here too.

Do what the doctor orders you to do and hopefully beat that bug or whatever it is.

Love mom