Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Kim in front of the mural her and Theresa and two others are painting.
Yes dad and I had an early start driving out to Chilliwack at Kim's invitation.  We appreciate being invited to spend time with out family.
A huge wall they are painting.
What amazing hard working artists!
This is just a tiny section.
That was a big table but looks tiny in front of this big mural.

We wandered over to Morgan's house to take her for lunch.
We rang the doorbell and knocked but no answer.
Later after her mom phoned to tell her to answer the door she did.
Of course being alone she was under orders to not answer the door.

We drove to the downtown area and wandered around trying to find the main street.
It has been while since we have been there.

Morgan was so helpful when we went out for lunch, telling us how to order and then getting us water and getting take out bags after.wards.  It was good to have a visit one on one.  She enjoys her bike riding and swimming and reading.  It would have been great to visit the Book Man but it was time to head home.  Even though we had a early start the traffic was already bad.  Dad's knees are giving him pain which made the drive home trying.  We were both tired and glad to be home and sit in our back yard and eat cake!  We were totally happy we had had such a wonderful day.!  !

"God is the question to which our lives are the answer,"
-Rabbi J. Sacks


Sandra said...

The wall looks wonderful. I hope it lasts for a long time.


nancy-Lou said...

WOWsers...that mural is large and so beautiful. It really portrays how beautiful the area is at Chiliwack. Good for Theresa and Kim and the others! What are they painting the mural on? A wall at the rec centre?

That is quite a drive out to Chiliwack and back again. #1 is always so busy, you did well driving Larry. So sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your feet and legs. I am too...and I am so used to being able to do anything and it is very frustrating not to be able to walk far and to live with pain. I have Poly Myalgia Rheumatica....I didn't realize I can't walk far and got dropped off at the parking lot and my legs cramped up very badly....almost didn't make it. I was stumbling along the avenues and I am sure people though I was tight...but my muscles cramp up with severe pain. Even when on steroids.

Nice photos Beth. Morgan is changing with each photo that I see of her. she is growing up quickly. such a pretty girl isn't she? I am glad that you were able to take her out for lunch.

It is another humid day ...grrrr not too hot, 25C but uncomfortable with the humidity.

I am getting ready for the last Art thursdays at the summer club...bitter sweet really because I enjoy teaching there a lot. But people are starting to get ready for school and the visitors from afar have returned back to their cities.

Well I had better get back to work....

Love to you both,


beth bennett said...

Sorry to hear about your pain and trouble walking Nancy
you certainly can relate to us.

My dad was in a wheel chair for the last 10 or 12 years
of his life and that's when he started painting.

The girls did an amazing job and we are so proud of them.

Love Beth

Carol said...

Oh. I miss Morgan. It sounds like you all had a really nice day.