Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Some of my garden in the front yard.  Always needs watering and dead heading!

Went for an early walk with Haiti and an owl hooted at us and some crows flew away making a racket.  No one was at the park so Haiti could have a run.  Nice and cool first thing in the morning.

Soon time to get my hearing checked.  Yes, I have 30% hearing loss which was not surprising.  The high notes on the test were very painful and I came home with what I call inner ear problems. dizziness, nausea and headache.  Took an anti histamine and  a half of a gravol and laid down.

The answer is hearing aids that may tone down the painful hearing so we have an appointment with the hearing aid specialist for October.

Dad decided to get his hearing checked by the hear aid provider which is a longer test and a better one.  He goes at 10:30 to-morrow.  We had made an appointment with Vera to visit her at 10:30 and I know this is important for her so dad will drop me off and go to his appointment.

Our time with Ophelia was happy as usual.
Some of her little friends from day care.
Poor Craig got into a real traffic mess so instead of being early he was late.
He looked very hot and tired.
We canceled supper with the Wises.

Dad was asked out for a ride with our neighbor T.J.  !  !
H e was hot and tired with pain in his feet and knees etc. but it would be forgotten.

"Every time you do not follow your inner guidance
you feel a loss of energy
loss of power
and loss of self.

There are weeds and prickles growing in among my flowers
and life often tests us to react with patience with others who are prickly.

To love and accept others is very difficult at times.

I will try to let go of my anxiety  and worry by allowing the peace of the Holy Spirit to guide me.


Sandra said...

I noticed the bad traffic on the bridge on my way home, my traffic was backed for miles and miles and it took me longer to get home as well.

We will do supper at our house on Sunday, Mandi and James as well as Adena and Riley will be there.

The woman I work with (64yrs old) just got diagnosed with ovarian cancer, so a very stressful time as she waits to find out the details and how bad it is.

Randy Mandi and Adena are taking a trip over to Sydney for the day, will be back by 6.

Went for our walk last night and came home to find all 8 kittens in the living room, prior to that they had not even come downstairs yet.


Anonymous said...

Will see you guys around 1:00ish when I come to pick up Haiti. I'll phone from the office first to make sure you are home. PAnteli

beth bennett said...

What brave little kittens they will be losing their mittens next!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

How cool it this, Larry, riding around in such a posh car! A convertible yet! That was so wonderful to bump into your old buddies from work too! What a great day and what a good neighbour.

Beth your garden is looking absolutely beautiful! I really like the red flowers....but don't know what they are. We don't have them here in cold Manitoba. Everything is stunning and must take a lot of work on your part. the wall for the garden really sets it all off.

that little munchkin sure is cute. She will be getting to know you both well now, since you see her so often. Very cute.

Gosh that just gave me chills to read about Sandra's work mate being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, That is what our daughter in law died from.....4 1/2 years ago. sometimes it seems like it was a lot longer...but I feel her close by and hear her voice often. Miss her so much.

The art class went well again yesterday with people from all over...lots of of medicine, one of architecture ( and a lady too ) one of psychiatry and I am not sure what the other person had her degree in. It is very inspiring to teach them....I learn from each student. Never fails! They all finished their work but it was an hour late...I was tired when I got home after standing on my feet for 5 hours.
I stand to paint as well. had a little sit down with one of my students who has Parkinsons and cannot concentrate enough to follow through with what I I paint for her and have her add in things ...we had such a good visit too...she is my age and has a sense of humour as you do Beth.

There will be just three more classes and it will all be over. But we intend on doing it again next year. There were classes in wool felting, knitting, jewellery, book folding and watercolour yesterday...lots of fun for all ages.

I am so glad that you are having visits with Haiti...and good walks,

Love Nancy