Thursday, August 17, 2017


I will try and write a few words while dad and I wait patiently for Rick to arrive.  He is coming down to meet with Leah's cousin about a legal issue.  It is always good to have a lawyer on your side.

I waited patiently for dad at his doctor's office today.  Everything was okay and he did not want any freezing or burning near the sore by his eye.

Then he had to wait even more patiently at the Motor Vehicle building where there was a huge line up. I need to get my paper to take to the doctor.  Dr. Nolte is going away so a locum will sign it for me.

There seems to me to be no scientific proof for God but I believe that faith can be grounded in reason.

Both science and faith are searching for truth and actually can benefit from the wisdom that is in both.

Every one of us has some form of religion or ethical or moral beliefs which we live by.
Talked to my brother and his wife Traudl will not be able to get her knee surgery because she has had a re-action to warfin.  She has been waiting patiently but it is very hard on both her and Brian.

To-morrow we pick up Ophelia.


Sandra said...

I thought I had commented yesterday, but a apparently not. Right now Randy and I are just semi patiently waiting for the mom cats to be gone. They meow off and on all night and scratch at the door as they no longer are content to be locked up with their kittens.

I was expecting the girl from the animal shelter to drop by and get the kittens nails cut but she never made it. It was her day off so can understand why.

Peanut has another bladder infection. My guess is she wasn't drinking enough water while home with Randy the past couple of weeks. Off to the vet today.


Carol said...

My Text Therapy website continues to be a work in progress and I mostly .... well sometimes ... well in the future will wait patiently to have in completed. They are pressuring to have me pay the final amount but I won't pay anymore money until it's completed and functioning... and so on it goes.
I had ladies over from my bookclub last night and they were my first guests in my new condo. That was fun.
We have two tropical storms brewing in the region and everyone who went through hurricane Ivan watches to see what direction they move and how they develop. People buy "get off the Island insurance" that gives them first dibs at available flights if we get a evacuation notice.

beth bennett said...

That would be tough to wait patiently to see if a storm is going to pass by.

I do hope things start moving with your Text Therapy Web site.

What book are you reading?

Those mother cats are not very nice are they?

Rick and Crystal are at work in the dining room.
Rick is still not feeling well at all and arrived
out of breath and coughing and tired.
He looks a little better this morning.
He has a ultra sound on Oct. 5.
Things move slowly in health problems too.

Thanks for taking time to write.

Love mom