Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Ophelia brought her mom for a visit,
I love being a great grandma'
I am alwasys amazing to see my grandchildren with babies of their own.

Two pair of  blue eye's
How wonderful just to have fun together.
As quickly as mom puts the toys in Ophelia takes then out.
She has a mind of her own!

I had been feeling a little down when plans for the day did not work out.  So both dad and I were over joyed to hear the knocking at our door.  In they come bringing love  and energy into my dull day"

She is becoming so skilled at standing on her own and it delights us.

"When you feel old and ready for the scrap yard life" 
the truth is there is still some energy in the old girl.
I can still get on the floor just to be close t her.

"When grandparents come knocking at the door
discipline flies out the window!

"There is a delight, a comfort, an easing of your burdens, a renewed joy in the gift of life!"
I am again a part of the stream of life!


Steady-as-rain said...

It is nice that Leah and Ophelia came by. Everyone is looking good, so that is what makes me happy.

I'm sure that the front deck will be a masterpiece by the time Dad is finished with it!

The CAT scan is Thursday night, so it hasn't happened yet. It is at 11 pm which is when I would normally be sleeping but I took that date and time right away, no hesitation.

I'm off work now for about a week or so; had to work late tonight to tie up some loose ends. Tomorrow I will focus on Crystal's human rights complaint. Still lots to do on that despite all the hours put in already. I'm probably not as efficient as the lawyers stacked against us, so I have to try and make up for that by just putting in more hours.

Christopher says he is working on Sunday again.

I may come down to Surrey on Saturday. Not sure yet. Will let you know. No later than Sunday morning, of course, as I have to help Sandra set up for the pool party. Crystal is anxious to help as well and she enough energy for two people, as you might have noticed.:)



beth bennett said...

Thanks Rick.

I am glad you are having your test.

Will see you Sat. or Sunday.

Love mom