Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Dad and I decided we would go to see the movie The Glass Castle but it was not on at our nearest theater.  We had missed the 1 o'clock and driving to Richmond or to Langley at 4 o'clock was out of  the question.  Wrong theater and wrong time.

Knowledge is a tricky thing.  We can believe we are 
right about something until we are shown it is wrong.
or come to see the error in our faith.

Even though I believe life has meaning and is worth the daily hassle  
I will continue to make wrong choices.
Wrong choices when shopping and not buying just healthy things.
Stepping on dad's freshly painted front porch.
Dropping and spilling when I try to carry too much.
Watching a stupid T.V. show to the end when I know it is a waste of time.
Not always saying or doing the right things.

Trying to be patient and understanding.
Continuing to learn you reap what you sew.
Knowing that all you need is love
loving myself when I feel unlovable
and loving others when they are miserable.

It was great when you were a kid and every story had a happy ending.
That kid still lives within each one of us
and the childlike wonder and faith in life just needs to be watered.

There really is a transcendent beauty that shines if we open our eyes to see.

Anyway off to the doctor to see if I can renew my driver's license.
I can at least try. 

Life is not about keeping score.
Who is right or wrong.
God is not the Big Score Keeper in the Sky


Sandra said...

I just read a book "Peace Like a River" and I liked it because the main character of the story made many wrong choices. Like really bad ones that had bad consequences. It was told in a way though you could totally understand why a child would make those choices. You mike like it mom as it does has a Christian message to it.

Randy chose the wrong bedroom to try and sleep in yesterday when he got home in the morning as the neighbours were having some major pruning done on a tree and it was very noisy.

I thought I forgot a kitten at home this morning but thankfully I was wrong. They are in getting their shots and the moms will stay there now.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra I think I would like it.
Do you have it?
That was a shame, o[poor Randy.

Writing my blog now. I think.

love mom