Tuesday, August 1, 2017


We have a new beautiful butter fly in amongst our flowers.

The black and white cat comes crawling in our yard and crawls over to see it.  She sees me looking through the open door and looks very silly.

It even lights up at night.
Thank you Tasha and Justice..

I am thankful for the cool morning and am not looking forward to the very hot weather coming.  
Dad and I are exhausted after the party.  There was so much I planned to do and forgot to do it.

Life often does not live up to our expectations.  I would love to go to bed every night knowing I was a hero but more often I feel more like a sinner.  

I am reminded that at any age we are a work in progress.  The hero is the one who is willing to say they were wrong and will try to do better.  I love a peaceful home and enjoy our back yard even more that dad has improved it.

I can only hope and pray that as I turn to prayer God's love with make a difference.

I need to forgive myself and those who have hurt me during the day.
Yes, I need to keep positive and continually ask my self what is it that really is bothering me?

Saint or sinner?  What is it?


Sandra said...

I find my self slightly alarmed at the fact that at the ripe old age I am at that I am not perfect. Silly I guess, but I really would have thought that by this stage in my life I would have it all figured out and be "set". But instead I am constantly having to remind my self that I am only in charge of me, I can not force others to live up to my expectations. Heck, I can not even live up to my own expectations!

I am guessing that the same as much true at 80 as it is at 57? Not sure if that thought appeals to me. It is so tiring having to control the mind and reign in the negative thoughts and emotions.

Well, I forgive you mom for forgetting to do things ( because I forget to do things) and I forgive you for feeling negative thoughts when you have been hurt or disappointed by others ( I too can have very negative thoughts!) and if I, a mere mortal to speak those words to you then how much more does the big G want you to hear the same from him/her.

It is easiest to forgive those we love the most, so I am pretty sure there is no one in the family who would have a hard time forgiving you. Dad and you are human, not super heros, but still pretty damn amazing and aw inspiring I think.

Love Sandra

beth bennett said...

Amazing words and so true.

Life still has lessons for us to learn
and they can be difficult at any age,

Being honest is so important.

Lots of love Mom