Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Rick I hope you smiled for your  cat Scan!

Early in the morning when it is still dark I open the doors to let the cool air in.  Last night was not so bad but the heat just drains our energy well except for dad who when it cools off in the late afternoon is out working on his front deck.  The wood has all been cut and just needs to be nailed firmly in place.

Dad and I felt so bad we missed Leah who came by just after we left for the movie.  Was his phone turned off?  We would have gladly turned back.

Yesterday there was incidents of rescue on our street.

A van marked Wild Animal Control drove up to our neighbors next door and a man put a ladder up to the roof and climbed up.  Our raccoons wild animals?  This one was.

As we were getting ready for bed a police car and then an ambulance arrived at the street next to ours.

All we could see was a group of people standing by a body on the street.  It would appear he was on drugs or drunk and had fallen and could not get up.  The ambulance fellows got him up and walked with him to the ambulance.  They picked up a back pack and some bags.

I was thinking when Cathy and Glen arrived yesterday it was their turn to rescue me.  I was feeling down because dad and Rick have decided carrying Ophelia is too much for dad.  I know I rescued Cathy at a very low point in her life.

This morning I wrote a letter to Jane not sure if I will post it.  There comes a time in our lives when we cannot rescue others but can only take responsibility for our own thoughts and welfare.

There comes a time when we have to let go.  Letting go of her daughter Samantha still weighs on Jane's heart and yet after trying so many times to rescue her the time came to let her go.

Visiting Jeff is also heartbreaking as she visits him and he wants to come home with her.

There are times when only God an rescue us from our grief and from the wounds of a broken heart and from our past mistakes.  It is good when we can rescue each other with a helping hand but some times it is impossible.

Dad is still busy sawing and building.

My stomach is not good so not doing much but reading
I like the book Sandra gave me.

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